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EFU takes another vitcim... well, the *spoiler* did at least

Well, thanks to a *spoiler*, Danger got killed, along with Rodon and a NPC Watchman. Could of been more epic, (*COUGH* no Hold Person *COUGH*) but it was still a decent way to go.

He was a real great character, and had some epic plans going, the least of which was a secret 'Team Good', which never even formed.

I was also starting to write out the journal of how Danger became a Paladin... seeible in the journal section, but as you can tell, ain't going to be able to finish it.

I think we learned this rule of thumb after Drin and Danger died: Once a paladin starts writing HOW they became a Paladin, they're screwed. :D

Anyways, thanks to everyone who RP'd with him, and yes, that includes the Montezzis (dispite the (in some people's oppinions) lame death. Well, I'll retire Danger for a time, then see if I can pull the miricale card some day, with DM approval of course.

So thanks again to all who RP'd with Danger: Dr. Dragon (for showing me Detect Evil with his evil Koinus Sten :D ), Talir (Rodon was quite epic) Skrillx (Dornal Avhost and showing me the Greycloaks), djspectre (Drin was quite epic), Winston Martian for Von Asch (once he became the Sergeant, I think we had distance), the DMs for the nice RP moments, like with Azzam beating Danger up, bringing a Cleric of Tyr to the temple before Danger croaked! Then there's the new generation of Greycloaks I was cropping, from Lee's Immacolata to Berosion's Bolgar Bruteaxe (though he'd probably never get the cloak and remain at 'Squire' since he'd be stuck on his quest for a long time, the quest was going to be 'get alignment to NG or TN first, then remain on that path'), the Mithrilsouls for that epic assault on Montezzi (Next time we do a jumbo assault, we're going to use other tactics). Then there's the rest of the Apes with Greenfin Helms (The rest of us privates in the Watch). Who else... oh yeah, Disco for his Butch von Matterheim, I kind of enjoyed the 'Kobold Defender' lines dispite Danger just following his oath regarding obeying local laws (Excludes if Dangers on the WARPATH, you know, like Montezzi). Senestia Arvascanti for supplying Danger with good Cure Serious Wounds wands (never graduated to needing Cure Critical... :( ) Meldred and his Kedrick Reynolds (Corrupter of Souls!), Wric Crowshire (were-rat :D ), and others. And pretty much everyone who RP'd with Danger on Team Good! Then let's thank Team Evil's players a bit, aye?

Thanks to Charm for first Pvt. Smalls, and later Rinaldo Montezzi, Kuo-Toa killer for Plop, then Pvt. Hadley, then Jacques Montezzi (I remember you line when we were talking in PMs: 'We're doing so well I feel like fighting myself!'). Olwa for Angelica first, then Elizabeth Ravenlock (I so was going to use smite evil... but *spoiler*!) Pyth for Semaj (traitor and made *spoiler*), Activity.Series for Goozag. The DMs for the Unseelie.

Now, I don't have any screenies myself, but Talir gave me the pics he had of me, so you won't be able to get many of them.

If you have any pics, I would appreciate them, if not, no problem.

Danger giving a status report as he, Rodon, Seeker Dawn and von Asch get ready for a major tussle (I forget what it was for. . . Orges I think?)

Danger asking Rodon why he left the Watch, and a intresting answer by Rodon. (Danger heard the Spellguard picked Rodon up and there was a fight)

And Danger right after Azzam beat the shite out of him for getting beat at the Mithirlsoul Assault and making the Watch 'look bad'.

Azzam's brutal... *rubs sores*

Anyways, thanks to all who made Danger a blast to play, and see you on EFU!

Edit: Spoilers covered up with *spoiler*

Poor Luke he was so confused XD Looking forward to seeing your next character.

Luke was a great paladin and character. Although you faced some difficulties in the Watch, you kept going and were able to get things to progress. Excellent work and good luck with your next!

An excellent first character! 8)

I enjoyed Luke, he really added a lot to the ambiance and Watch presence. Good job man.

Nice paladin! Looking forward to your next PC.

That was so not Ogres... >_> **cough** attack Adun'Ubis **cough**

Anyhow, Danger was a blast. Sorry to see him go. <3

At least everybody knew his name. :wink:

Danger was your first character?

I must say, I'm even more impressed now. Good stuff.

My hatred for paladins just grew 10 fold.


Your new character will be interesting to observe, considering how close she will be.

Nice work with Danger, you have no idea how many enemies he had.

Laith so wanted to fight you :P

Danger was cool. I liked working with him as Akhil, even though ICly Akhil loathed pretty much everyone. Good luck with your next character, and awesome job with Luke as your first.

Hold person followed by a beating from a summon while someone remains invis is a suitably epic death >_>

Seriously though, great character, I enjoyed Danger immensely

I remember when you and my duergar had a rumble in lower before the montezzi rule, some epic fighting there and a great first character from what I seen of you.

Sorry for chiming in quite late here, but I thought he was a great character. His naiveté's came through just fine, especially when contrasted against Drin's well developed vows, morals and tempered personality. He was great to have as a squire under me and was a great watchman despite his loyalties being split between the watch and the greycloaks.

You even interacted with the character I created after Drin, though for IC reasons, I can't reveal who that is at the moment. Even then, you were true to your character.

Good luck on the next one.

I really liked Luke Danger, even if it lead to corny jokes. Wyric loved his awful joke about "Have you been to any Danger?", "Are you in Danger" or "Are you in Dangerous?". All said in good spirit, of course.

And whats this about were-rat, I would like to know origin of that rumour IC!