That's right. Your all time favorite Watchman has finally passed away, joining the old generation of dead Watchmen who worked in the period before the formians invaded. But as I'm sure you haven't looked here to read this, I'll go ahead with the few screenies I've got.
Some of the special loot Rodon got:
William Donrick invites for a drink before the election time. On the selection of drinks was Drow Azure wine, which he had some guts to give these ladies.
Travelling the Underdark alongside cheery friends.
A peak in the number of Watchmen.
Always got to support our fellow workers of the law.
Even when we know what help we can get.
Rodon returns to the Watch after a leave of two weeks.
Introducing the betrayer, a favorite goblin of mine.
Getting inside isn't easy with these guards.
Nikitovich's burial. Joe Blogs speaks a somber thank you.
Breena has something to say as well.
I've had trouble getting into this alchemy thing on EFU. If you have had trouble as well, fear not. There are others who struggle and there is a solution.
EFUSL Rodon Brinson (Elh_talir)This character was created on Friday, September 21st at 02:33:55 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 670 times. The character has spent 28 days, 23 hours, 33 minutes, and 15 seconds online.
By far, Rodon has been the character I've played for the longest period of time. A huge thank you to everyone who has made it interesting to keep up with him as well as the helpful DM team. You're too many to list so I'll leave it at that. These eight months in the Watch have been great, and I recommend anyone who hasn't tried a Watchman to do so. You will hear of a lot of things happening behind the scenes, as well as be able to deal with all these criminals that walk around.