Demands of the Shadow Tribe, as decreed by Ambassador Throx Claw 15th of Ches, 1375 DR
In exchange for the continued alliance, trade, and security that the Shadow Tribe has offered Sanctuary all these months and years, the Shadow Tribe demands the following:
1. The right to invite any guests to visit the Shadow Tribe Embassy at any time without warning to the Sanctuary Town Council or the Sanctuary Watch.
2. The right to grant guest passes to any and all persons who pledge allegience to Great Shadow Death and therefore the Shadow Tribe without warning to the Sanctuary Town Council or the Sanctuary Watch.
3. A statue of Great Shadow Death to be built in a location of prominence that can be agreed upon by both Ambassador Throx Claw and the Sanctuary Council.
4. All those who have attacked Port Claw and were involved in the attack and attempted murder of Great Shadow Death are to be executed in Sslal'teesh.
5. The Shadow Tribe will have full rights to view Council Archives, and take part in discussions of the city.
6. The Shadow Tribe will obtain the power to act as a vote on the Council.
7. 15% of the city budget will be given to the Shadow Tribe to pay for the Shadow Tribe's continued protection and good will.
8. Gnomes will lose all rights as citizens.
9. Aurelius Natch must be handed over to the Shadow Tribe.