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Lana ShadowSong

Double capitals ftw.

This character was created on Thursday, May 22nd at 09:29:55 AM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 85 times. The character has spent 7 days, 18 hours, 6 minutes, and 32 seconds online

Lana ShadowSong - Hits:925 Criticals:36 Misses:801 Hit%:53.5 Critical%:2.0 Damage:7592 Avg. Damage:8.2 Best AB:13

Lana was a concept which most people didn't OOCly think could happen. A student of necromancy, but not the necromancy commonly known. As soon as I found out OOCly that necromancy did not just mean animaiton, but it had GOOD parts to it as well - I knew I found my Concept. The interactions, the struggles to make her friends understand, it was all amazing.

She was a total blast to play, and progresss as.

Now, for Screenshots.

A lol "Shit!" moment.

This is what happened when lana tried to play the hero.

When Azzam leaves his basement fortress. He needs to chill with the dudes every once and a while, mess around, let loose, you know?

Druids. :)

Becoming a druid.

The end of an Oath, a new outlook on life.

Apparently someone was saddening by her pledging her oath to another deity.

Random shots.

(Pre druid on this once)


Things not to do;

Ask a 9 wis sunite for advice.

Get said Sunite Drunk.

Barge in on said Drunk druid and Hot preistess.

More random shots;

She came across some decent loot.

And finally... Her end.

Team sunite, Rawr!

Thanks go to Oroboros, Ohno3z, Oona, Magister, shiftingallegiances, for making such a huge impact on her naturewise. You dudes completely shifted her from my intended direction. (I initally apped SG, only to have them take it down because you dudes made it no logner IC to join :D )

Mega kudos to Inq, Ebok, caster, And whoever played Tarney wettian.(Coolest new(?) player I have ever seen on any server)

lesser Mega kudos to Ommadawn, Alyssara, requiem, Wern, Meldread, and Disco.

And last of all, I need to thank Dangerousdan. You know what you did.


Cruzel is shameless.

Lana was too much of an azure wine addict, imo.

I have a cool screenie with Lana in it somewhere, I will have to post it.

Oh, Lana--Cruzel even, so much drama! It was great =P

lol Lana.


Sad to see her go, I never got her that lab...

Still mad for when she poked Rob though, that was mean...

Nice one Cruzel!

She was so frustrating, but, an amazing PC. Well done, have so many good memories of her :wink:

And last of all, I need to thank Dangerousdan. You know what you did.


Nothing at all.

Glad to see you're still here.

<3 for my weaponry loot. That whole arresting predicament was great.

I had so much fun with Lana, now I need someone new to ban from the caverns :(