I'm making a small post to generate interest into playing a nature-oriented char which are truly awesome and should definitely make up a nice percentage of the city. It doesn’t have to be druid, there are lots of classes which are related to nature or can have a natural take on them. As for involvement, it is really fun just to get to hang out in the wilds and travel, every travel becomes somewhat of an adventure and there are tons of things revolving around that. Easy to involve, easy to get involved in and there are lots of plots running amok.
I won’t make this into a big post trying to convince people but just throw ideas:
There are tons of classes that are nature-oriented or can be:
- Barbarians, Nordic, Mainland, desert; there are tons of spin-offs you can give to your barbarians to make them interesting. I would truly enjoy seeing more Nordic barbarians. :o~ - Bards, Skalds! Nothing is cooler than fighting with a spear in a loincloth; bards can do that with ease and still live! War singers. Similarly, what would be a barbarian tribe without skalds? - Ranger is a pretty obvious one, possibly one of those class that seem more straight forward, but Ranger also means hunter, stalker, trapper, fur-traders, survivor. - Clerics of nature-oriented gods! Remember, just because you can wear a full plate doesn’t mean you have to. There are tons of interesting spin-offs you can bring on making a Shaman. - Druids are an obvious one, but there are many thematic you can bring to your druids, it is always interesting to bring specific specie that the druid tries to mimic… lifestyle wise… Forest creatures such as wolves, the air for the birds of preys, the water, lake for the sharks, Octopus and fishes. Mountaineer, or underground one who mimics and befriends the insects. Insect-inclined druids would be an original take as well, I find. - Shifter, Harper Scout and Arcane Archers are all prestige classes which can also be involved in a more nature-theme character.
So, if you’re free of a concept, start thinking and roll something interesting that you think you can have a lot of fun with.