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Yeah, I'm leaving for awhile. Recent events have made things a lot less fun for me, in general.

Frankly, this problem was first mentioned to me by diag, but I didn't beleive him. He told me(paraphrasing) Unless you were one of the people in the social "cliques' on efu, people would largely ignore your attempts to RP.I made a PC to test this shortly before my banishment, and aside froma slect few- This alt was in fact ignored largely, depsite the intended provoking nature of the PC. The emotes were intended to creep out and provoke reactions, and the general response was "Is that guy naked? Let's get out of here, I don't want to look at naked halflings" Basically, People were unwilling to stop what they were doing, to interect with somone new.

This was not the case with everyone, however. some people were awesome about it, and put up with the PC as much as one could expect, and more. However these were the people I consider exceptional, and while I don't think they knew it was me, I was still somewhat in their social clique anyways.

The summary of this point; In my attempts to freshen things out, meet new people outside of my normal social interactive clique, I was largely shunned and ignored, by people who do not wish to change their RP to interact with another. the absolute worst excuse I received, was an OOC tell saying "Sorry, we were heading out on a quest" - This is horribly wrong, in my opinion.

What's so wrong with this?

A) Scripted quests should never take precedent over RP. Especially not when someone is trying to talk to you, and all you are thinking about is XP. This is wrong to shun them and leave them just so you can get your XP fix.

B) Scripted quests are the easiest way to include others in your RP. "Hey, we were going to help this<generic>, maybe you could help?" Or anything like that. It's not hard to do, and you're certainly not doing anyone a favor by just leaving them alone, sometimes when your group is the only other people on the server.

So yeah, I'll see you guys later, or something.

There's other issues, but they are not the sort of thigns to be ranting about publicaly on the forums.

While "quest trains" of PC friends (who are often OOC friends too) are certainly a problem, I think you are probably overstating it as such. Regardless, it's been fun Cruzel. Your crazy sympathetic Cyricist-to-be-Ilmateri, the gnome merchant, your total asshole wizard Svir, etc.. All been fun.

See you later.

You played Svir!? Dang... Come back man, we're not a-holes on purpose! I DID meet Mute, and I was just plain out of it when I did. Too darn lazy to react to anything with creativity, I guess.

Come on... pweese?

I certainly don't like seeing you go Cruzel, considering all the RP you brought to the server, but I guess there's not much I can say to change your mind?

Get back sometime, and I'll make a kobold servant for you.


I understand you entirely, Cruzel. Take a breather, chill out, and come back if you want to.

I am genuinely confused as to the purpose of your post. You seem to have combined a rant and a leaving thread, which is all too common. I may have been content to say a fond farewell, but since you have provided some odd and incorrect (IMO) data, I feel like I should attempt to counter it. If you are leaving based on what you said, it's sad not that you're leaving, but that you consider what you presented to be 'proof' of social cliques. A naked halfling does not make most people think 'Oh, lets go run up and cuddle it', much like you wouldn't go up and interact with a crepy naked man in real life. Some concepts do not make people rush to them, and all concepts require work to make them be successful and popular. Not every social group is going to willingly accept anyone who walks up and looks interesting, but most will give some sort of responce. You just need to accept that the responce you get, while entirely IC, may not be the one you are looking for.

As Garem said, there may be a problem with 'quest trains', but you'll also find that 'quest trains' find a perfectly suitable spot IG as well. People feel more comfortable with people they can trust, and people that they mesh well with, both OOCly and ICly. If the choice comes down to a wizard who knows how to play a wizard, or a new player who doesn't understand that wizards can't frontline, it may be more 'inclusive' to bring the new player, but most will bring their friend. The type of roleplaying you seem to like is social roleplaying, where people have malleable personalities, and everyone makes an impact on them, and most of the roleplaying takes place while sitting in an inn, or talking. This is cool, but not everyone does this, and just as you do not like how some other people play, they may not like how you play.

Reading your description, I see really no problems with anything you said, TBH.

Ultimately, people are here to have fun. Some people have more fun questing than having in depth roleplaying sessions. If you find this isn't fun for you, taking a break is the best thing.

I did speak with him but he walked away from the RP opportunity of a conversation with much growling and eventually ending in a beatdown.

From what I remember of you character, he, as his name suggested, is mute. I know I, for one, have better things to do whilst online, than spend 45 minutes attempting to get across to your mute character. What I am trying to say is, it most definately is not because I am in an elitist "group", it is just that I am not going to spend my time doing something I don't enjoy, whilst spending my limited time online. My idea of fun does not include talking with characters that don't understand basic principles, and when they finally do, do not talk back.

Take a breather and return pal. You totally helped me integrate into this server. Of course I knew you were using me for evil and nefarious reasons, but you were nice about it....

The RP atmosphere has changed a bit of late, i'll agree with that, but I have no doubt that it'll swing back around. Dude, you're just in a rough patch I think.

WindInMySails From what I remember of you character, he, as his name suggested, is mute. I know I, for one, have better things to do whilst online, than spend 45 minutes attempting to get across to your mute character. What I am trying to say is, it most definately is not because I am in an elitist "group", it is just that I am not going to spend my time doing something I don't enjoy, whilst spending my limited time online. My idea of fun does not include talking with characters that don't understand basic principles, and when they finally do, do not talk back.

Mute was much smarter than peoplewould have thought, and understood much more than most seemed to think he did. Only two people bothered figuring that out. It didn't take them long. I'm sorry for interupting your powerquesting with an attempt to make an original charcter designed to make people think extra hard about how to act. Mute was made to provoke sympathy, a little fear, and revulsion in the playerbase. I made him to try to get past the "Oh this guy helps me level or gives me money, I like him" To try and see if people would attempt to help him, or kill him, or whatnot. But he was largely ignored/brushed off by people who wanted to go quest.

But yeah. I guess it's my fault, for trying to make an interesting, original character to interact with other people to take their mind off questing for once.

But yeah. My mistake, guys. Totally on me. It's not like this is a RP server or anything.

Remain civil, everyone. There will be no second warning.


If this continues to get sillier it shall be locked.

There's nothing wrong with adventuring, or playing with your friends. You're here to have fun. Lol chill out.

Take a breather buddy, you'll be back.

Remember also, that people who are in "cliques" are also often -very- busy. I try to take time for everyone, but sometimes other plots/people/etc take precedent. Personally, I'm very sorry if you felt ignored, I hope I wasn't a part of this, but I also hope you understand a bit why. When -fill in the blank- shows up and says, "we need to talk" sometimes introductions or shooting the shit with everyone else around has to be postponed.

EFU is a game of interaction with other people. Wether in the Last Stand for a drink and conversation of philosophy, or in the heat of battle on a quest, I think to have fun playing, you have to put yourself out there and make friends or enemies. The more effort you make, the better the results. Musachi used to tell me that if your character was not immediately remembered upon his first introduction, then you're not doing something right. I'm not quite so harsh, but he was onto to something.

In regards to the questing, its a part of the game. Its a part I was not overly fond of until recently, but I think every bit as equal to RP. Plus, if you are questing "correctly" its a place to have some great RP. You can learn a lot about other characters by watching them in quests, you can learn a lot about your own. If someone dropped you an OOC line about heading out for a quest, most likely people were waiting on that person. Don't take it personally. Not everyone has a lot of time to play or even play every day, some people are in a rush and they don't want to have to wait around to play [a/the] part of the game that is fun for them.

Often the reason they might not take you on a quest, is as simple as a max party limit, or not being the head to make the decision, or having five mages already. Trust is also an issue, no one likes to be robbed and it happens more often then it should. If you really want to go along, persuade the leader to take you and then prove yourself. Next time around those people who left will want you with them. And yes, the rewards are less. However, they are less not only in gold, but in RP. We all know how fun it is to quest with a "perfect" 4 member party, its hard to get the same effect with 10+ people, especially when five of them are bards from Comyr. You know all this though, I know you know it.

Anyway, take a few days, weeks, months. I've certainly been burnt out myself exactly as you seem to be. Eventually, a bit of perspective is gained. It's just a game. Play it to have fun. When its not fun, read a book.

I thought I, and especially Talir as Brinson, gave you a fair shake in the prison cells. Some people didn't want anything to do with Mute, like my guy, and some peoples heart would mysteriously go out to the little fella. Brinson is notorious for caring about lost causes, imo :)

See you around.

well, it was fun playing with you man, come back soon.

But yeah. I guess it's my fault, for trying to make an interesting, original character to interact with other people to take their mind off questing for once.

That's fine. The point is, not necessarily everyone will appreciate it or bother to enjoy it. While I personally think these sorts of things are good, when done tastefully, I cannot logically blame someone for avoiding an aspect of a game that they don't want to deal with. By playing an socially confused mute who thinks he's an animal, you've sort of dug yourself into a hole. Lastly, I don't think he was brushed off because of questing. I know that I hardly ever quest, and I brushed him off because he was a despicable, confused little halfling that was not my character's problem nor was there any reason for him to approach him. I believe that many others reacted the same way, leading to the feeling you had about it.

Still, there are a lot of people who do nothing but quest. That's a kind of stale way to appreciate EfU, in my opinion, but whatever! If that's what they want to do, power to them. Do as you please. It's everybody's sandbox; some build castles, some dig holes, some harass the ants. Who is to say that hole digging is best?

More towards everyone else:

Another minor issue that is brought up is when "originality" goes too far. Different people have different ideas about this. If people don't enjoy interacting with a character, it's not their fault. It's not player's either. It's just how it is. Everyone wants to enjoy EfU.

If one aspect of the game bothers you- don't approach it! Hate PvP? Don't antagonize the Watch/Montezzi/etc.. Play a character that avoids conflict to suit your own taste. We don't have pre-generated characters for a reason!

I don't think this thread is productive or relevant. You're upset and unhappy, I think I know why, but really the best thing is for you to go away for a little while and come back if you want when you're happy again.

If you decide to return, feel free to speak with me just prior if you have any questions, comments or thoughts you want to hash out.