Yeah, I'm leaving for awhile. Recent events have made things a lot less fun for me, in general.
Frankly, this problem was first mentioned to me by diag, but I didn't beleive him. He told me(paraphrasing) Unless you were one of the people in the social "cliques' on efu, people would largely ignore your attempts to RP.I made a PC to test this shortly before my banishment, and aside froma slect few- This alt was in fact ignored largely, depsite the intended provoking nature of the PC. The emotes were intended to creep out and provoke reactions, and the general response was "Is that guy naked? Let's get out of here, I don't want to look at naked halflings" Basically, People were unwilling to stop what they were doing, to interect with somone new.
This was not the case with everyone, however. some people were awesome about it, and put up with the PC as much as one could expect, and more. However these were the people I consider exceptional, and while I don't think they knew it was me, I was still somewhat in their social clique anyways.
The summary of this point; In my attempts to freshen things out, meet new people outside of my normal social interactive clique, I was largely shunned and ignored, by people who do not wish to change their RP to interact with another. the absolute worst excuse I received, was an OOC tell saying "Sorry, we were heading out on a quest" - This is horribly wrong, in my opinion.
What's so wrong with this?
A) Scripted quests should never take precedent over RP. Especially not when someone is trying to talk to you, and all you are thinking about is XP. This is wrong to shun them and leave them just so you can get your XP fix.
B) Scripted quests are the easiest way to include others in your RP. "Hey, we were going to help this<generic>, maybe you could help?" Or anything like that. It's not hard to do, and you're certainly not doing anyone a favor by just leaving them alone, sometimes when your group is the only other people on the server.
So yeah, I'll see you guys later, or something.
There's other issues, but they are not the sort of thigns to be ranting about publicaly on the forums.