Hello i know a lot of complaints about my spelling and grammer have been siad but i ask of you to be tollrent of me i do have small medical problems that do in fact affect my spelling and grammer amoung other things all am asking is that you do not judge me harshly or give me or any of pc unfair treatment like treating me like i cant think or pointing out that i cant spell i know thank you
Spelling and grammer
....grammar. Just messing with you man! I'm glad you realize it, and I hope something can be done.
Treat the man with respect, people!
Thank ya
In the spirit of honesty, yes, sometimes it can be extremely difficult to understand your posts. The effort behind the Sanctuary Express was awesome, though. Keep up the effort, and so long as you continue to try, we'll try to be as helpful and understanding as possible.
If anyone is rude about this sort of thing, please, PLEASE alert the DMs. I would like to think we take harassment about OOC things like grammar very seriously as a community (bear in mind, we have many others who are non-English speakers that struggle too, or just poor typers, so this is not new!).
I hope that I have expressed the general public outlook on the situation. One more thing before I go, if you use Microsoft Word and copy paste things over, it might help you out!