While I do agree that a halfling rogues hide bonuses and AC bonuses from the improved Dex standing are great bonuses (not to mention dex also gives nice dodge bonuses which are stackable other dodge bonus giving items, should there be any in this server), if they are detected they are screwed. Now the UMD skill is nice, but still nowhere as potent as actual spell casters nor as quick.
Just for all of you who want to help me with this plot idea the background on my character is as follows (I'll keep it short)
Tarnis Westwind.....
.....was an engineer of buildings and devices in a small town called Urmn outside of Calimsham (yes Urmn is not in the FG realm book because I made it up, hey it's RP, aint it? :-P). He remembers little about what happened after a successful night at a gambling hall, only to find himself on the floor shivering in the underdark in a room full of former slaves.
He has had flashbacks that lead to a possible slave life under the Illithids, but his memory is nearly blank, leaving him with only a few scrambled and shattered memories to go on. He seeks 3 things: to discover why he was brought to the underdark, help others adjust to this realm and eventually find a way home though any means possible.
(this next part is true in the RPing of my toon while on the server)
His first few weeks have been quite eventful. He has so far been targeted for two (failed) assassination attempts by agents of Bane after insulting Bane inadvertently in the presence of followers of Bane. Because of this his normal love of educational material has shifted from scientific to arcane and will at the first opportunity begin to practice magic (he has an INT of 14), to protect himself.
Basically he's now looking for protection and doesn't trust anyone other than other Hin's. In fact he's quite sentimental towards them since they remind him most of his home. He does have several friends among a group of Ilmater followers, and thus far have served as protectors and advisors for him.
Idealy he'd like to part of a 'special services' group of Hin, servicing other PC's in odd jobs such as 'search & rescue' operations, scouting & exploration services and the bringing down of know 'criminal' PC's, kinda like a vigilante group. And we would recieve payment from other PC's (either from the quest bonuses or from them personally) .
His ultimate goal is to repeat FB's WAY to the surface and bring that information back to the inhabitants of Sancuary. (the team would actually make the trek back to the city if the server actually does have an end-game to it of some sort).
This is what I had in mind, but of course, I can't do it alone.
Anyone who'd a Hin or a rogue let me know as we can work out details.
And for the person who wanted to be in a 'leadership' position, that would work out well for this sort of idea.