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NPC Skins for Pcs at Entrence

Hey EFU I wish pcs could get NPC Model Skins by choosing them at entrences. However by race and gender. (or just race for monsters.)

Such as the Human Gang member models

Or The Half-Orc Npc Model

The halfling.

and the variouse dwarf ones.

and the cooler looking goblin and kobold ones.

I could go on and on about them!

Player race NPC models will not be available to players. There is no reason to be able to select your own appearance (but there are reasons not to).

It sounds like a fine idea to me. What would the reasons not to be?

NPC models are not dynamic. While some do represent wielded weapons, most don't, and none represent worn armor.

Yes, they are deceptive, because you can not tell if they are wearing fullplate, or cloth. (Especially so on goblins and kobolds.)

You can always apply for something like this, though.

I think kobold and goblin PCs should be able to pick, so at least people can tell if their PC is typically armored or the very least a little variety in looks between goblins/kobolds in a group without needing an app.

You can already pick between the two standard types of goblin skins, unless that's just if you have the special skins downloaded.

You do this by by switching between fat and thin when customizing.

Don't know if the same is the case with kobolds though.

Helmets and cloaks do not show up either :/

Olwa You can already pick between the two standard types of goblin skins, unless that's just if you have the special skins downloaded.

You do this by by switching between fat and thin when customizing.

Don't know if the same is the case with kobolds though.

I was entirely unaware of this. This is nice OOC info to know.

Isn't there a mod out there that lets armor and cloaks and stuff be shown on Goblins or Kobolds?

Irrelevant, considering the circumstances.