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Priest Milmamir.

Milmamir, honorable priest of Ilmater,

I have been given orders to meet with you and discuss business, in place of my employer, the Grand Marshall of the Marching Men. The Grand Marshall is very busy, and I am certain he would rather meet you in person, but he has many other things that require him seeing to!

Anyway, I can be reached at the barracks. Please send me a suitable time and place. Alternatively, you could send me a list of your stock and prices, and I will add it to our files.

~ Terry.

As you requested, here are the sums I request for the crafting of wands and brewing of potions.

Ilmater bless and keep you.

Milmamir, Healer and Cleric, Servant of the Crying God


Light Healing: 200 gold

Medium Healing: 300 gold

Serious Healing: 670 gold

Critical Healing: 2700 gold

Warding against Evil: 670 gold

Weapon Enchanting: 670 gold

Blessing of Ilmater: 670 gold

Removal of Fear: 670 gold

Sanctuary: 670 gold

Shield of Faith: 670 gold

Strength: 1180 gold

Splendor: 1180 gold

Wisdom: 1180 gold

Endurance: 1180 gold

Aid: 1180 gold

Lesser Dispell: 1180 gold

Holding: 1650 gold

Lesser Restoration: 1650 gold

Magical Armour: 3300 gold

Removal of Curse: 3300 gold

Removal of Disease: 3300 gold

Protection from Elements: 3300 gold

Flaming Weapon: 3300 gold

Prayer: 3300 gold

Stoneskin: 8500 gold

Hammer of Ilmater: 8500 gold

Restoration: 8500 gold

Summoning: 8500 gold


Protection from Evil: 35 gold

Blessing: 35 gold

Serious Healing: 55 gold

Endurance: 85 gold

Strength: 85 gold

Splendor: 85 gold

Wisdom: 85 gold

Protection from Elements: 110 gold

Lesser Restoration: 140 gold