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[Cpl. Rodon Brinson, Watch House]


The recent events come to my attention, and I can honestly admit I am disappointed. I would greatly despise having to order your death, or dishonouring, and therefore I respectfully, humbly ask you to stay out of the Realm of the Prince if violence and sedition is the only thing you can settle for.

I understand that you feel you need to protect the people who consider themselves citizens of your ward, but I must remind you that even if you only defend them against perceived injustice, this is still a crime if the perceived injustice is coming from retainers of the House.

I repeat: If you need to enter His Highness's realm, do so in peace, or do not do so at all. This I ask you discretely, without the knowledge of my Lord, and without the knowledge of my fellow Court members, because I would loathe to see you hurt, or the relations between the Realm and Upper shattered.

Consider it, please.

With respect, Elizabeth Ravenlock, The Countess

Miss Ravenlock,

My death has already been decided. It is not upon either myself or you or anyone to change that. If any witnesses of yours reported it correctly, you would've heard that I did nothing until your own guard, Bert, decided to refuse my request of taking the Associate back to Upper. I didn't intend to let anyone remain behind and when Bert murdered the Associate, I acted. The whole ordeal could have been avoided either by Pergulash not striking at Bolgar, or Bert swallowing his pride. The whole group was only passing your realm to get to the Sewers.

The concerns and wellfare of the citizens of Upper Sanctuary is my concern, regardless of location. Injustice is not justice, and your house has a history of spiking those that would oppose or speak ill of your domain. This is not something I would allow anyone defending his groupmembers to suffer, and I find it disgusting. Perhaps if your house had a better reputation, I would have let it be as it was during the event without interference.

I can assure you that I rarely enter Lower. This was the first in a long time, and I hope for us both that the next will be in the distant future. I am still waiting for the transfer of Ghyrrt.

Cpl. Brinson


Bolgar was attacked for brandishing a weapon in public (A crime resulting in a fee of up to 200 gold) concealing himself by mundane means (also resulting in a fee of up to 200 gold) and for his maintained disrespect towards the House and criminal behaviour.

The Associate, according to witnesses, was subdued for attacking a member of the House (a very severe crime, the sentence of which can only be decided by the Court) and Guard Bert was in his full and complete right to detain the Associate until a higher ranked member of the House could take over.

As for your demands to have Bert surrendered for trial in Upper, this is just as likely to happen as yourself and Bolgar kneeling before the Prince and his Court for justice, which will not happen.

In Your case because the Prince and Court has shown repeated respect for Watchmen, allowing them to leave repeatedly, despite breaking several laws of our House.

In Bolgar's case, because he is a simple coward, who knows that because of his crimes and war-mongering, any trial against him would result in swift justice.

I am willing to let this whole event pass, but I cannot speak for the Prince. Should he feel insulted, the results will be dire, I fear. I recommend, again, that you adhere to our laws, as can be found in updated form on the sign as you enter our Realm, or remain in Upper, where our members respect your laws.

Ghyrrt is a very chaotic goblin, and I will trust in the ability of the Watch to punish him, should they find him guilty. He is just a slave, and not worthy of wasting our time on.

Again, consider not entering the Realm if all you can think of is insults and anarchy, for the latter will be punished according to the UPDATED laws of the House, as they are. No corpse has been impaled since the execution of the Hoaran seditionists, and you will find execution only comes as a result of extensive and often repeated law-breaking.

I remind you to in turn remind your group members to remove their helmets and sheathe their weapons if you intend to pass through our Realm. If you wish to battle the chosen, you are welcome to do so.

Respectfully, I will consider this written discussion over.

I wish you a beautiful day.

Elizabeth Ravenlock, The Countess of Beauty, Montezzi Court

[Letter received.]