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"August Fate" - Dentra's Speech on Sanctuary

“August Fate” Alturiak Election Speech:

Competency. I began this venture as a leader as a rookie, the seventh choice. I was the rookie councilor. The aforementioned virtue has guided me to become your Council Chairman, the executive legislator and leader of leaders. Last term, the leaderships of our defenders, the Watch and Spellguard, acted in tandem that was before unknown.

Despite our unfortunate, tragically necessary loss of the Canal Ward, the city marches on just as it had without it, and just as it has for one hundred and fifty three noble years. I stand in awe of what Sanctuary is, and dream on at what she is to become. My fellow citizens, the time for the “August Fate” has come, and in our current state of solidarity I will see Sanctuary step forward to glory.

As some of you may or may not know, the Council last term started with on a rocky start due to three turnovers of seats and a lack of foresight and organization. I took it upon myself to attempt to organize the chaotic mixture of ideas by drafting an Agenda for reference. In the coming term, I will immediately press for the discussion of an Agenda with a strict deadline of seven days. Immediately after the Agenda is completed, the budget will be discussed for three days and vote on the fourth and fifth; we’ll have no more of the absurd sluggishness that the citizens have come to expect from the Council. You do not tolerate three days for the serving of dinner at the Last Stand do you? How can you endure such behavior from the Council? Do not. It must be thoughtful yet decisive. Expect greatness. I shall deliver it, in the true fashion of the “August Fate” policy.

Another important facet of the “August Fate” policy will be the Great Census. Particularly with the recent questions of the definition of citizenship, and those that are eligible for it, it is time to get an accurate appraisal of our population and determine our strengths and weaknesses in the demographics in order to promote programs that will strengthen our economy best.

In order to realize our full potential, we must start the process with the individual. Currently, a lamentably large number of families have been displaced. We have ample space to expand towards the ruins, but we must begin the process of taming the urban wilds towards old Dunwarren. Unclaimed land will be claimable with square footage per head. The dead space will be reborn and refitted for habitation with the free hands of the men and women.

Lastly, and the greatest of all, I wish to provide a means for newly freed slaves and our youth alike to become capable, useful members of our society. I will seek to establish a program that will test our children and new members of our society so that they can be enabled to reach their fullest potential with the proper training and equipment that can be worked for and made available to them through city-driven apprentice programs, free-life clinics, and other important details to prepare the people to become able and content members of our society. When it is ready, we can pursue the freeing of more slaves to bolster our population to maintain growth.

The pinnacle aspect, the crown jewel of the “August Fate” policy, is the empowerment of the individual to better himself and thus society by his own hands.

As you can now see, “August Fate” is not a dream I can realize alone. It will take the iron will of a people with something to fight for, an aspiration for greatness and a passionate desire for grandiosity.

This speech received a poor turnout, but those who arrived were reasonably pleased with what they heard from Councilor Denta.