My service to the council has been long, and I feel I have accomplished much. However, I do share many citizen frustration in many of the recant events. I can only assure you that I have done all I can to keep the city safe and away from any humiliations. Needless to say, I disagree with some of the more recant decelerations of the council.
It is time for a change, and with change I will also change how I will be trying to improve this city. Instead of stepping up to be a candidate the next term, I will accept Lord Archibald's generous offer to be his Chamberlain. Lord Archibald has long been known as benefactor to this city and has once again offered his own home as a shelter for the refugees. He is man who I can trust, and whose service I will be able to help to improve the city in new ways.
In case some of my loyal voters are now pondering who to vote, I do of course trust views of Ambassador Rook, but Paige Saint does show promise as well. However like always, I do not wish to tell you how to vote, make your own mind.
While my position does change, I will keep up my work for the city's benefit. I will keep building this city better!
My thanks to everyone for their support.