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The Spellguard

I'm not a big fan of OOC organizing, but an exceptional DM faction needs some player support atm. The Spellguard has no active Agents, yet at least one Councilor is beholden to them. Several Associates lack an effeminate wizard to treat them like cannon fodder, and now wander Upper in a purposeless funk.

Save them!

This is my favorite DM faction, and my Agent was one of the characters I enjoyed the most in my time playing here. Some of the advantages of rolling up a wizard (or sorcerer, if you're crazy) and giving it a shot are:

Playing an Agent.

Anyone who's ever enjoyed a decent spy novel or watched a good crime movie will probably get a kick out of the faction. The Spellguard is a fairly amoral branch of Sanctuary's law enforcement where you’re given a lot of ethical freedom and the ends almost always justify the means. As long as you're benefiting the agenda of its mysterious leader, Commander Simms, you can get away with murder as long as things don't get traced back to you. Is that Councilor with Seeker sympathies giving the faction problems? Funnel gold to a Lower gang and stand back as they do their best to put a stop to his meddling. The possibilities are limitless.

There's a lot of diversity in the sorts of characters you can play as well. While several Agents have succeeded as upright fascists, there's definitely a lot of room for more self-interested characters looking to make a buck. If the concept of a Palpatine-like villain pulling strings behind the scenes interests you, I definitely recommend this faction.

Working as a law enforcer in Upper has as much or as little PVP as you want it to have. I'm pretty terrible at it, and I think all my Agent ever did in this regard was throw a few hold persons at a fleeing criminal. If you're nervous about PVP in general, the faction is certainly possible. The Watch and Associates are exceptional meatshields, after all.

Instant access to plots and intrigue.

There's almost always a lot going on behind the scenes that characters unaffiliated with a faction will have a much harder time seeing. Joining the Spellguard is an exceptional way to get into plots (DM or PC), try to twist them to your character's advantage (or someone else's), and generally rock out. Because there aren't any PC Agents around, you'll probably instantly become a go-to person for plots, intrigue, and bribes.

Another great part of this is that you can learn about Sanctuary's rich history. The DMs have done a great job of writing up a robustly interesting backstory to EFU, rife with conspiracy theories and corruption. It's one of my favorite parts of the module, and is definitely worth exploring.

Nifty faction loot.

From what I remember, you get robes that will let you cast spells without having to worry about magic eaters and the ability to summon an animatron to be a temporary meat shield.


Every Agent receives a modest salary while he’s in uniform. I forget how much it is per minute, but it comes out to about 90-100 gp an hour. It may not sound like a lot, but it’s definitely helpful for hiring underlings and keeping yourself supplied.

It’s not uncommon to be pretty wealthy as an Agent, even if you don’t dabble in corruption.


This isn't that high up on the list of perks, but it's worth noting. Every Agent gets his own room in the Tower with free resting, as well as persistent storage for the armor, weapons, and Seeker corpses that they can't cart around.

Although I'm not playing an Agent, I definitely recommend it to any of you who are considering a new character or aren't getting much out of their current PC. I'll be around IRC if you have any questions.

I heartily endorse Scalebane's excellent post. The Spellguard is an awesome faction rife with intrigue and plots. Join now!

Yeah, Spellguard needs some new PC blood, it gets droll having to resort to NPC Spellguard agents

Also, If anyone wants to make a Spellguard mage who's also a Greycloak, I think that'd bring great plot possibilities.

It's as easy as your character Mystran wizard for such to happen

I concur with Ommadawn.

Pfft Im making a spellguard wizard Seekers Beware!


And yes, I'd make a spellguard if only my damned noble would get ganked!

(Kidding, don't gank me kkplz)

Some of my fondest memories as a player here on EFU, are in the Spellguard faction. Get involved if you feel like you don't fit in anywhere in Sanctuary, and you will not regret it.

I endorsed this idea when we first lost all of our Agents.

Now I've decided that Thane is an outstanding leader and I'd prefer him not replaced. Apply at your own risk.

Just kidding, just make sure you'll kick ass

MMM how would one join???

Capt Shadow I have one aswer to that

Oh and send an app. But as far as Ig gos


Send in an application, capt.shadow! The email address, I believe, is escapefromunderdark@gmail.com The app format can be found somewhere around here.

Being in the Spellguard was definitely fun. I loved the research aspect, as well as the undercover work. Plus, just being in this faction gets you loads of DM <3. The wages and faction loot are nothing compared to that.

As much as I've enjoyed not having PC Agents, it's about time we do again. :)

And though Scalebane has referred to the Associates as cannon fodder and meatshields, which they are ;), they do serve as an independent force to the Spellguard DMs and PCs. Which in it's own right is a pretty huge benefit to being an Agent. :)

To ultimately be an Agent, outside of applying, there is only one thing to remember:

" Be amazing "

Do Spellguard agents have to be non-good? Sure seems like it...

There have been good aligned Spellguard PCs.

I've generally shied away from Spellguard agents before, fearing for my soul and such. So, tell me, what is the Spellguard type? What do they want in an agent? I honestly don't have the faintest of clues. Probably FOIG.... (hate that acronym)

Ignore DrD, it's not FOIG what they are (although what they do specifically is in quite a few cases). However, I'm not really that versed in exactly what they stand for, so hopefully someone else can explain it.

Protect Sanctuary and the Spellguard's interests, regardless of costs.

Yep. Definitely need a few agents. My sorcerer ( :cry: But I said I wasn't crazy..) just got the captain of the Associates to make him gather names and send them to the Order...

I applied for one but no response, oddly enough. She still needs some more time establishing herself though. Needs more spells for what she will be doing.

It takes the DMs at least two weeks to sort through applications, MisterPAIN. They're busy with this whole, you know, keeping us all entertained thing.

Yes, there are a lot of variables that can affect application approval periods I imagine. Just be patient and remember to harass them regularly on IRC and you'll get results.


We generally don't respond at all until players check in with us after a few days.

My name is Sternhund, and I approve this message.

Seriously, the Spellguard was my favorite faction as a player. With Johannes as the big-shot Spellguard DM, Agents have a lot to look forward to.

I'll second this as well. In the Spellguard you can count on -tons- of love from Johannes, who is very good at doing SG stuff.

It's an instant in to half the running plots on the server, and an all around blast.