2008-06-08 08:35:41 UTC
A large notice tacked up in comfortable dwarf height:
I, Bolgar Bruteaxe, will answer your questions truthfully and as to the point as I am able.
Please leave any questions or concerns you may have about me, or my campaign, here.
- Bolgar Bruteaxe
Flamin' Pete
2008-06-09 11:35:38 UTC
Candidate Bruteaxe, what is your stance on House Montezzi? Will you resist them at every possible turn, or will you be receptive to increased cooperation between the two realms?
Pyotr Ignatiev
2008-06-09 11:41:39 UTC
Mister Ignatiev,
that is entirely dependant on you act. Will you continue to bring in Duergar and Drow, and leave the Canal Ward open to assault or infiltration by those races?
Will you persist in demanding Uppers handed over to your justice, or harboring those who commit crimes against us?
Will you continue to try and drag trade away from the Upper district and into Lower?
Will you work together with Upper, or continue to counterwork the Watch in the apprehension and destruction of - for example - goblins and other monsters?
These are questions I will need an answer to, before I give my answer. If you are bent on making constructive use of your conquests, and wish to do this in cooperation with Upper, then much the better. But if you continue to do it in competition or opposition with Upper, then yes, I will be forced to work against you.
- Bolgar Bruteaxe