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Open Debate with Iron Sophia

Posted prominently in the Last Stand:


I am a straightforward woman, and I will take time to answer your questions so that you will learn more of the benefits of voting for me.

Ask me what you will, and I will answer with promptness.


[An insignia dispaying the snarling head of a wolf in profile graces the bottom of the poster]

How do you stand on the Montezzi and the Canal Ward?

How do you think we should handle the sudden influx of Duergar, Drow and Goblins into the Canal?

Berosion How do you stand on the Montezzi and the Canal Ward?

It is tragic that the Watch was pulled from the Canal as they were nearing the end of their efforts to reconstruct it after the goblin attack. However, waging a long and bitter war against the Montezzi is a position that I will not advocate unless he sets his eyes upon dominion of Upper. Too many of our men will die needlessly, and realistically we will gain little by killing the Prince.

Rather, I propose a handful of programs that will make it easier for the people of Lower to move to Upper. Though I disdain the thought of charity, a modest delay on taxation to allow industrious citizens a chance to set up shop may be what they need. As well as the establishment of a program in the old School of War, under the eye of the Watch, in which recently arrived citizens may live for a term of a month while they learn the ways of battle. If they should be hardened sufficiently against tyranny, they should be welcome to join the Watch.

Berosion How do you think we should handle the sudden influx of Duergar, Drow and Goblins into the Canal?

Shall we march a contingent of Watchmen down into Montezzi's realm and slaughter them all? We shall surely have to contend with Montezzi's retainers if we do. It will be a waste of many lives if we pursue such a goal. The crutch of idealism will undo us if we let it.

Who did you think we would be trading with? We will be extremely hard pressed to find anyone offering anything of value who does not engage in slaving. Is it distasteful that you can see them walking the Canal? This is something we must come to expect. Why did the good Watchmen who guarded the Canal under Lieutenant Agrael Lothor put their lives at risk? It was to better Sanctuary economically, and to do that we must trade.

The duergar, drow, and other ilk should be restricted from entering Sanctuary proper. They should unload their goods, load up whatever they've bought from us, and return home. I will not allow those cretins to walk among the decent folk of Sanctuary. If one raises arms against a citizen of Sanctuary, I shall cut it down myself.

[An insignia displaying the snarling head of a wolf in profile graces the bottom of the poster]


in reference to your census in the Last Stand, if it is me you are referring to, my name is not Brugor.

Good initiative though.

However, I am curious - I myself have, too, some ideas on how we are to make the Shadow Tribe and the others of the Canal to trade with us instead of the Montezzi, and am with you to a degree about the issues on trade. Yet that is not the point.

With Drow and Duergar flowing into the Canal, the soverignty of Sanctuary is threatened. These are peoples who many times have tried to take our city by force, now invited into our midst by the Montezzi prince. With them there, a window has been opened directly into the heart of our city, over which we have no control. At any time, Drow and Duergar could swarm into the Canal and take it - if they but had the wits to realize this was so. If I am elected, I shall make my utmost to ensure that this is not the case.

However, I wonder - what is it that you wish to do with these Duergar, and with the Canal Window?

- Bolgar Bruteaxe Candidate and speaker for the Mithrilsoul Clan