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Colin Rhunyorn for Council

[Around the city posters begin to appear promoting Colin Rhunyorn for Council. In casual conversation individuals begin to try to spread the word of Rhunyorn's leadership, good judgment, high moral integrity, and his success as a business man.]

*The name Colin is mentioned in quite a few discussions at the Last Stand inn, most approving of his goals for a better Sanctuary*

[Flyers begin to appear around the city echoing the original flyers made by TheUnseenHand: "Vote Colin Rhunyorn for Council for: Patriotism, Protection and Prosperity!" They appear in high traffic areas: Old Sanctuary, New Dunwarren the Residential District, and the Machine Zone. Many are focused around the Last Stand and the Town Hall, with many located in the Town Hall. It is impossible not to see these flyers as you go in and begin to vote.]

//OOC: I did this in game with scribed notes. They should be all around the city.