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Ambassador Rook: Honor


Our lives lead us to religion. They lead us to ideas. Our experiences make each one of us who we are. We believe strongly in what we believe. And we fight to protect our beliefs. We fight with blade. We fight with words. We fight to honor ourselves and one another. We fight to honor Sanctuary. And we share this honor together.

The paths taken, the decisions we've made, lead us to this city. Sanctuary is our saving grace. Without her we would perish. Sanctuary is both mother and father. Sanctuary is strict and kind. Sanctuary is generous in its gifts. The gift of life. The gift of freedom. The gift of hope. Sanctuary is our second chance at making a difference.

The city asks for nothing in return. But we give nonetheless. We give it our sweat, our blood, our tears. We give it our joy and our hope. We live for the ideals it allows us to hold. We honor this city by being who we are. We honor it with allegiance and diligence. We fight to honor Sanctuary because it fights for us.

We share an honor of Sanctuary. -Ambassador Rook

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