Now, I want people to tell us EFU people, which servers people came from, and what they thought of them. I'm sure people would be interested if they found out that people were on the same server, and they could talk about their characters and such. Just an idea, and wondering if I know anyone. :wink:
Old Servers?
... Argent Dawn EU.
I believe a great majority of our players are probably from City of Arabel.
I am.
This is my first server ever.
i have been main DM, builder, zones designer (areas, what monsters are there, why, whats their ecology, and so on), right arm and mainly factotum (i [just!] cant script and host a pw) of an italian pw for three years long ago. I played here and there, mainly pvp arenas and my pw (but im not a power player), then i quit for one year or so then i started on arabel, then i quit when i understoood how DMs were, then i started again. And im only 27, yeah i look much younger.
you prolly have played with me, cause im a jobless italian drunkard and (being that, being that right now) my time zone is that of japan.
Moved to Off-Topic
EfU took my PW server cherry.
I started here, by golly I just cannot escape.
Let's see. Soulforge, Krynnhaven, Myth Drannor, then here.
wow what a great question
first ever
i than went on to DM Ezekiel 3kingdoms than went and played coa than went and DMed waterdeep than came to efu after i got caught hacking the coa forums, they reckon i stole everyone's password but i only got the dm pass to get back at a char
core ... Argent Dawn EU.You played WoW. Lol.
Kinky Kingdom.
City of Arabel.
EfU is the first server I've seriously played on. I logged into some other random ones a couple times, but they never caught my interest.
Stormplay CoA Efu
Just EFU :wink:
Frag Haus Krynn - Player The World of Ch'tar - DM Nelanther Isles - Player Gatecrashers - Player Escape from Underdark - Dickhead
core ... Argent Dawn EU.
And about 5 years ago I played upon a series of servers called the Western Heartlands, Devils Den and finally Stormplay.
Escape from Underdark is my first and only persistant world.
CoA is pretty much high school, and EfU is college. I'm a freshman.
The harry potter server!
I was Dungeon Master / Builder at Battledale1 & 2 (role-play server set on dalelands). It had a good about 3 year run. I did try Tears of Arton as a player a bit, and the EFU due to Dolorous Edd's persistence on the matter. At the same time I have ran NWN1 campaign for a small group, but that was few years back.
Other gaming history is a story for another time.
ALFA, Cormyr/The Dalelands, COA (a little), and EFU
EFU is my personal favorite TBH
Narfell, ALFA, Toril.
I didn't know there were so many who had their PW cherry popped by EFU! I'm from CoA, long time ago though. I did pop into other servers to check out (Harry Potter(?), Narfell, Amia), but they never caught my interest.
Daggerford which turned into Haze, which turned into Penitence.
lol frag haus krynn was mad hey halfbrood
96/96 players most times amazingly lagging but beautiful
Rith, Ma'fer was your nemesis? Account Name: Pookascrayon? O.o She played the exact same character as a continuation of such on Myth Drannor.
MGS. It was incredible. I remember I had an OGRE character, who had this magic sword that did ice damage or something. I just farmed allips for phat XPs. LOL.
yep she use to work for me fresh from dryth manor
yes lol i remember once meeting the owner a total noob i was running the wilderness and i saw just this light following me I say hey whos here show youurself!
he say hello i am bla bla i own this server lol
Hawaiian Luau/Gamer's Retreat
BrittanyPanthas Rith, Ma'fer was your nemesis? Account Name: Pookascrayon? O.o She played the exact same character as a continuation of such on Myth Drannor.
!!!! I remember pwning wynn with pookascrayon, MEMBER THAT MGS?!
Oskar Maxon Hawaiian Luau/Gamer's Retreat
You're from the Luau too!? That's lol, I played on the Luau for a year. Had a 21 drow ranger and a 33 drow cleric there.
TRB came from that little server too.
Viking's NW Diablo Legends of Chance The original Zombie Survival Various other Zombie Surivival clones/projects Antiworld CTF EfU
I also dabbled around on Battledale 1 & 2, CoA, Forgotten Realms Cormyr, and other places for no longer than two months.
Realm of the Lost Legion.
Non-RP servers: Mossbourne Neversummer 3 and Neversummer 4
RP servers: CoA and of course EfU
Paha_Poika got me hooked on CoA, the first RP experience I ever had and from there I drifted to EfU (also because of him if I recall correctly :P). PnP followed and now I've got a more or less active group.
Haven't seen Paha around in ages though. Only saw him at a bar a few days ago, but that's it. :(
Daemonic Daz The harry potter server!
I did some shizzle for daggerford, then later for some salty DMs who splintered off and did their own thing.
I was a hapless n00b mechanics-wise so I didn't really play much Daggerford. I tried Narfell and found it fantastically boooooring (again my n00bness may have been tha culprit.
Then I stumbled on CoA where I learned the art of cheese. I look back fondly on the days of Howland, Metro, Sherry, Bear, Wiggy, NC, Crosswind and many of our other fine DMs laying down the PWN sauce there.
Now I'm here, though I have been so busy, I just recently started in playing sort of regularly.
Thanks to all the DMs and players here that have made playing NWN such a good time over the years...yes, even you Sherry..I'll get you for that horrid wilting biatch! :D
One of the many zombie survival servers.
WoI, CoA!
Narfell Arelith Nesme EFU
Narfell ALFA CoPaP - Avlis CoPaP - Tairis ((Currently a DM there)) EfU
I've tried many servers for a few days to a week. The servers I have spent months on are:
DeX World of Krynn CoA Bastions of War Wikipedia [read the 'discussion' pages - its MMORPG!] City of Heroes EfU
I played World of Warcraft. And yes, DMs, that explains why I was constantly screwing up the first few months online. :P
Amia, Arelith, CoA, EfU.
2006: Arelith... then I realised that I didnt like the enviroment too much and the PG so I went to...
2006-Present: CoA... I loved my first two characters on CoA (Sinsane Duskflower, and Slavinir Von Wulf... remember either of them anybody?), and I enjoy my present character, Kai Voss. Its a fun server, but I eventually needed a new enviroment.
Present-?: Efu... I love you guys. :twisted:
CoA too. Were CoA chums LOL
Lord of the rings server 8