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Investors and Businessmen

Found scattered throughout all the city

Attention Investors and Businessmen

House Montezzi wishes to advise you all that henceforth, many excellent properties in Port Montezzi and Lower are available for rent, purchase, investment and even perhaps as gifts if applicants can demonstrate that their proposed business or activity will bring economic benefits or attract people to the districts.

This should be of interest to anybody who is:

- A merchant requiring a warehouse or stall location - A mercenary captain needing a barracks and storage for his company - A businessman desiring a place to start his enterprise, which could be anything from an Inn to a Specialty Store - An artist wishing a property to showcase his works - A priest desiring property for a new shrine or temple to his Lord or Lady

...and many others. The possibilities are endless.

Inquire at the fortress and deliver your proposal to the Prince or a member of his Court at your earliest convenience. And do so soon, as many of the folk of the Dark Lake who we have invited here are beginning to arrive and claim their own properties; time is of the essence if you desire a choice location!

