House Montezzi is in need of the following:
A Court Jester to amuse the court with pleasing displays of wit and comical antics.
A Steward to assist in the daily running of the realm. This position will involve clerical duties such as updating the House roster, scribing notes and proper filing of correspondence as well as wider administrative duties including the creation of legal codes, economic management and the implementation of an improved ranking system for the House.
A Marine Captain who will be the supreme advisor to the Prince in all matters naval. The position will include command of vessels, recruitment of crews, construction of naval defenses in Port Montezzi, procuring ships and various other related tasks.
In addition to these specific roles, House Montezzi desires men of fiber and courage to sign on with the Guard. Soldiering men and women, spies, divine servants and arcanists all have a place in the Guard. For those who serve with distinction and dedication, the Prince offers advancement in the House which comes with grants of titles, privileges and land.
Inquire at the fortress if we interest you.