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Caretaker Theon,

You may remember me from our attack on the undead. I do not swear loyalty to the Eternal Order, but should you go against the undead, you can call on me for aid.

- Private Luke Danger, Paladin of Tyr, Warden of the Greycloaks


I do recall you. I also recall you abandoning our cause when the dangers became much. I understand there may have been a disturbance in Upper, but there are also many Watchmen in Upper who could have seen to it. A man must question why exactly you fled and left the others one blade less against this reckless threat.

Kelemvor Keep You,

Speaker Arnen


I realized that our supplies were too low to continue on, if we kept going, from what I could determine at the time, we'd get slaughtered. Now I didn't expect those who stayed behind to get much farther, but obviously I was wrong. I was also injured and out of healing, and I wasn't much more use other then a probable liability. I don't like pulling those I'm with down with me as a liability. So that's why I left, to avoid pulling more down by having to leave in the middle of combat, which I avoided doing by staying to fight of the last wave attacking us at that point, then I left, as I was out of any form of combat against those undead except for my blade, which barely hurt the undead.

- Private Luke Danger, Paladin of Tyr, Warden of the Greycloaks

((OOC: Had to log very soon as well, so that's the actual reason.))