Firstly, I would like to say thank you to all who posted these questions. If you know of any other citizens who are curious and seeking answers, please direct them to this painter's canvas!
Candidate Avarscanti,What is your stance on Lower Sanctuary and Montezzi rule?
The situation between Sanctuary and the Montezzis is, without a doubt, an extremely delicate one. The relationship between the two states is teetering on the edge of a long fall that could destroy the both of them.
This is something I would never want to see: open war, for it risks destroying everything wonderful about the city. As such, I believe that all other options, diplomacy especially, should always be kept in mind and should always be exhausted beforehand.
What is your stance on the Watch, Spellguard, Society and Seekers?
All of these organizations provide and contribute key skills and resources to the overall defense of the city and so I would like to see them to be as integrated as possible: operations planned together, information shared, and so on. They all, after all, have only one Sanctuary to defend.
What are your plans, in general, for Sanctuary that will improve our way of life, residency and security?
I have recently produced a flyer which I believe answers this question by outlining myself in general. I have attached it here.
Lastly; Many in Sanctuary are dying faster than we have the power to recover from slavery... or to be born. With the possibility of our city always facing attack from outside and within from various threats, what are your intentions to bolster our numbers of residents which will hopefully lead to a swelling security force?
Generally speaking, population increases come from two possible sources: births and immigration. Obviously, we cannot force either issues but we can influence them. A good city leads to happy people which leads to happier families. I believe that an increased birth rate would be a slow but natural result of any city that is being properly governed by good people.
Immigration in our context often means the arrival of escaped slaves from within the region. By seeing that the Seekers are reintegrated back into the city and are given proper Council support, I believe that they will better be able to guide more slaves to freedom and to us. Another thing to consider is immigration from Lower Sanctuary. Anyone from Lower Sanctuary who wishes to pursue opportunities in Upper Sanctuary should be welcomed with open arms and given as much support as possible.
In regards to bolstering the number of our security forces, I certainly wish to see these organizations as well funded as possible so that those enlisted within them feel that they are appreciated and not overwhelmed by their duties.
Luke Danger
Canadite Avarscanti,What of New Dunwarren?
- Private Luke Danger, Paladin of Tyr, Warden of the Greycloaks
I believe that New Dunwarren is a fine example of what can happen in a good city. It is a place free of crime, a place of people living in harmony and co-operation, and a place—in regards to the numerous statues, shrine, and Temple of Tyr—of beauty. I would want New Dunwarren, however, to be more than just an example. I want to see more interaction between New Dunwarren and the other districts. The high hill is an excellent place to host festivals and other public events, New Dunwarren should use such opportunities to invite more citizens to visit, if not migrate, into the district.
Thank you very much for your question, Luke. I appreciate you for bringing the issue to everyone’s attention.
Avarscanti,What do you intend to do about the lack-wit, ravenous, kobold hordes that dwell so close to Sanctuary, atop the bones of brutally murdered gnomes?
When those kobolds turn their bloodthirsty eyes and slavering tongues towards this ill-conceived Sanctuary, how do you intend to stop them, will you, as previous councillors have, simply sit and wait for the inevitable day, throwing the occasional child to the petulant Shadow Death as appeasement? Or, will you rise up and lead the people of this settlement against the banner of darkness - avenging those that have been butchered, those that have been enslaved, will you take the standard of Sanctuary and impale it through the dark menace that lurks so near, and claws closer and closer with each rising tide?
In addition to my position on open war stated above, I have to say that because of Sanctuary’s precarious position, aggressive and offensive actions against other states within our region of the Underdark is simply not an option in my eyes. If Sanctuary were to initiate and wage a war against Ssal’teesh—or Ysinode, or Chabzash, or Traensyr, all of which are possible threats to Sanctuary—I cannot imagine how Sanctuary would come out in a better overall position. As it is, Sanctuary is not a military force that could produce positive results.
In regards to your specifically targeted vehemence against the Shadow Tribe, I do think that the city can do without a close relationship with Ssal’teesh. For starters, I believe that embassy of theirs would be better suited to house a shelter instead of the old chapter house by the arena.
Candidate Avarscanti,What is your perspective on the Seekers and their reintegration to Sanctuary?
What do you hope to achieve during your tenure as a councilor?
As I said above, the Seekers are an integral part to the city and contribute to Sanctuary’s success in numerous ways. The skills of the Seekers themselves ensure that they are excellent scouts, capable of identifying and tracking threats far beyond the walls of the city. The work they do in freeing slaves and guiding them here naturally allows the city to grow and become stronger. Thus, I would fully support the reintegration of the Seekers as the work they do should be supported to guarantee success in their work.
Thank you very much for the question, Airandir. I look forward to working with you closely in the future.
If anyone else has any more questions please feel free to write them here. Furthermore, if you wish any clarification on what I have written, merely ask.