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Montgomery's Men

Join the army of freedom - Montgomery's Men! Sanctuary is meant to be a haven of freedom for all people. As it stands, and Monty saw that, as I believe did we all, it is nothing but an ill excuse of a tyranny. Nothing but a multi-cultural Traensyr. Nothing that we would tolerate, as proud men, as free men.

The founder of this place saw, as I believe we all do, that the key to our freedom was in the destruction of the opressor. In the UNITY of the opressed, and the forces of freedom who fight in the other side of the struggle. And then, and only then, would we triumph and freedom at last win over tyranny in the struggle we decide to take our part into.

It will not be easy. It will not be quick. It will not be peaceful, it may very well mean the death of most of us. But freedom SHALL come, it is invevitable, and it will be those under the banner of Ubel that shall be leading the tide. And we are going to win this war - but history is not made of inevitability. It is made of men. And it is men that I seek.

I seek men of strenght, capable of handling the war to come. I seek men of cunning, capable of undermining the treacherous thetoric of our enemies and their operations. Men of skill, men to build a new era, a new way of life. The Way of Ubel. I seek men willing to take up Montgomery's legacy - and see it through. And just as I protected Montgomery thirty four years ago - I have decided to protect his ideals and his banner.

In short, I seek men to join me and Montgomery's Men. We, together, shall build this new era of freedom with our hands, with our blood, with our fire. We shall push forward those who hestitate and destroy utterly those who oppose us. And in the end, we shall prevail. It is inevitable.

If you are interested in taking part in the history that I tell you here and now, if you are interested in protecting Sewer Town and what it represents, if you are interested in fighting this war with all that it will take and in the end be part of the glorious futre - seek me out. Teddy Commander-in-arms Montgomery's Men