Posters found sparsely on Old Sanctuary noticeboards, even fewer finding their way to New Dunwarren.
Dear Citizen,
the times for re-elections are slowly coming within sight. Should it concern you? Will there be anyone speaking out for the crowd? The answer is yes. While many will think to know better what is good for you and tell you what to do, while I, Paige Madeline Saint, will care for your opinion, and I am now an official candidate in the next elections.
1. Why vote for Saint?
-My family has been native to this city for many generations. I know it in and out, along with its problems and possible solutions. -I am not a foolhardy adventuress and care about contact to the citizens, trying to be available at convenient times. -Many know me and my fledgling mercantile business and have found my prices fair and agreeable. -Having had no prior affiliations, I remain completely independant and unbiased. -I am ready to fund several new merchants and other projects that will be contributing to work towards those ends.
2. What can I do for you?
-A redistribution of budget is likely in order as we have lost the Canal Ward. The organisations protecting our city will primarily benefit, to ensure we will not suffer the same fate as Lower. More attractive wages should also lessen corruptions within their ranks. -In a place like this we cannot be picky about who we do business with, though I would like to see a more independant Sanctuary, encouraging more inward trading and job opportunities to bring stability. -More influence of the people should lead to more synergy. I am planning to greatly include the opinion of the citizens in Council decisions and bring it to their attention. -Addendum: For a stronger infrastructure I am in favor of restricting the trade on mind flayer made wares and giving the Society of the ordered mind an enhanced control of the evil machinations of those beings in our midst. -Is there anything else I can do for you? Let me know.
The previous council let you down, you feel helpless and misrepresented? Give more power back to the system, vote Saint! You can make a difference. I will be your voice on the council!
Further questions, ideas and suggestions? Leave me a letter at the Grotto or find me in person. Towards the Future! Be part of it.
Signed, ~Paige M. Saint