Home > Lower Sanctuary

[Drawings behind the Fortress]

[After the recent posting of Painting's inside the fortress depicting the Prince in regality, a different style of art finds it's way posted behind the Fortress, outside.]

A beam of light seems to be shining down before the Lower Stairwell, it's focus on the granite statue of a man who is lying on his back. The man's face is locked in a nearly desperate, yet still determined gaze towards the mysterious light, his right hand outreached as if to grasp at the Sun he was only speculated to of reached. Upon closer inspection it's noticed his entire granite body is chipped and cracked all around, but the stone is never fully shattered. In the shadows he's surrounded by foes, the light being denied to them and only casting their visages in an even more diabolical shade. All of the attackers are locked in looks of joy and mirth at the abused statue of Frederick Bresley, the Brother's Montezzi being the two most prominent, eyes holding a bemused look at their victim and wry smirks showing the slightest flash of feral teeth. Their swords are held high to finish the blow, and Bresley still holds his hand out for the Sun above.