My character is trying to help New Dunwarren out by making it more self sufficiant, in the event it is cut off, and he spoke with a nature type (Wasn't sure if it was a druid or ranger) and he said that the soil was infertile, but it was possible to make it fertile, with a lot of work of course.
I was wondering what was needed to do so. The area in question is behind the Temple of Tyr, and there's a source of water there, so that's where. It wouldn't be a huge farm like the Canal, just a small-to-moderate sized one that can feed New Dunwarren.
So the question is: Does this need a DM app, possibly showing the DM around where the area would be made fertile (following IC and IG efforts, as it should be done)?
And if it is aproved if an app, or if it isn't, what IC steps should be taken to do so besides the obvious tilling and planting seeds, does it need a DM to change the area a bit?