Home > Lower Sanctuary

[Paintings in the Fortress hall]

In the hallway inside the Fortress, the following paintings have been hanged.

To the immediate right after entering:

The painting depicts the circle of champions below the stairs to Lower. It is painted mostly in darkness, the brazier by the closest building for some reason only illuminating the circle and the people there, the stairs and other buildings only vaguely indicated in shadow. In the middle of the circle lies what appears to be a gnome or halfling, wearing Seeker clothes. He lies on his face, the cloak torn and bloody and the helmet tossed aside, almost completely wrecked. The gnome is stretching a hand upwards in an openly pleading, pitiful gesture, his face can not be seen. Infront of the gnome stands a majestic, handsome human who could only be a glorified version of the Prince himself. His hair appears moved by an invisible force or wind, and he stands with his saber in hand and shield leaned towards his left leg. He looks down on the gnome with a scornful expression, filled with utter contempt. The light appears focused on the Prince, and his yellow, slit-shaped eyes are glowing unnaturally, his armour and cloak gives a proud, powerful and superior impression, completely free of blood in a striking contrast to the pitiful creature on the ground before him. Around the circle, shadows have been painted to give the impression of a large gathering, only the closest being armed, the rest huddling together in a fearful way.

In the lower right corner, these initials have been written in small lettering:


Opposite the painting depicting the circle of champions, this painting is hung:

The scene is that of an ice cave, and once again most of it has been painted in black or dark grey. Still, clearly dominating the picture in size is an ice dragon, painted to epic proportions. It stands on all four legs, it's mouth open wide in a roar and it's wings stretched backwards against it's back. Once again, your eyes inevitably are drawn towards the Prince himself, standing with his rapier pointed towards the dragon, and his mouth open in a defiant roar in turn. His shield arm is stretched backwards and his shield angled so that it offers no protection from the dragon itself. The Prince has once again been outlined and illuminated very clearly, appearing more impressive, handsome and courageous than in reality. His body is poised as if to begin a leap or charge, and his hair has also this time been pulled backwards, though it is made out as if the mighty breath of the dragon has made it so. Behind the Prince, in the shadows, a small group is painted with some small effort, they are all helmed, yet you can make out the presence of several armed humans and possibly a smaller shape in the shadow behind one of them. They are painted while running, as if charging fearlessly to the aid of their prince, weapons drawn. The dragon has been painted as if on the top of a small height in the cave, so that the Prince and his Guards are charging in an up-hill battle.

In the lower right corner, the initials are once again painted:


To the right, second from the entrance.

The viewpoint is from behind a man recognizable as the Prince, and shows a great hall, it's ceiling lost in shadows and the end of it obscured. In the middle of it is a stairway leading up to an altar of sorts, and directly in front of it is a huge demon-like being, its humongous wings spread wide and its eyes glowing like the sun. It wields a spear the length of several men, and is so tall much of its face is concealed in the shadows of the ceiling, and only its eyes being painted clearly. In front of the huge being is a small group, painted from behind but still recognizeable as the Prince with a following of two large human men wielding axes, a fierce goblin with a battle-axe, its mouth open in a ferocious roar, a tiefling painted in a position behind the demon and wielding several daggers and a human woman with black hair hanging down her back and black clothes. There are also several shapes who have been painted less clearly, making it difficult to determine who they are. They stand amongst the Prince and his following, with weapons drawn and faces towards the demon. The Prince and the woman are the only two in the painting appearing arrogantly unaffected by the demons size and terror-inspiring visage. They both stand calmly and straight, heads only slightly tilted upwards. All other in the Prince's following have their weapons ready and appear just about to charge the demon The visible part of the hall is illuminated by a yellowish light, reminding of sun light, and there are two summoning circles to either side of the war party.

Those who were present recognize this as the great hall of the forgotten jail of Amaunator, and would notice the lack of the Count in the picture, who was present in the battle.

In the bottom right corner, the initials are visible;


To the left, second from the entrance.

The Prince is seated on the stone throne, highly regal and painted to be greatly more handsome and inspiring than in reality. To his right stands the Duke of Savagery, Waylon, and to his left stands a black haired human woman, with red and black clothes of incredible beauty. She gazes out over the dwarves with a cold expression, save for a very slight smile. In two rows in front of the Prince are dwarven warriors, disarmed and bloodied. The dwarves are on their knees, their helmets off and their eyes cast down in shame. To the sides of the rows are several armed, armoured and helmeted figures, watching them with blades pointed towards the floor. The impression of the picture is of desperate subordinance, the dwarven warriors so obviously humiliated that it becomes obvious the blood is theirs, and the gashes in their armour caused by blades of the Prince.

Those who were present at the defeat of the Mithrilsoul warband would all agree in the great faults in how the painting appeared, yet those more clever would realize that there is symbolism involved, as they all know that the artist, the woman to the Prince's left, wasn't present at the scene either.

In the bottom right corner are the initials;