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Town Hall, Councilor Dentra

Deliverd by a beggar

Greetings Councilor,

I am Temrariel of the Etar'yr' House, of Traensyr. I have come here to establish trade and negotiation with this place, as it notably lacks allies and mercantile partners. As notably our neighbors - beholders, illithid and duergar alike - happen to not appreciate trade with you so much, we though you might as take the chance.

The reason we are so open to you as of now is because you have been recommended to us as the first person to initiate contact with by a very trustworthy source. As such, we expect a response in about a day, if anything, to see if our source is correct and you would be open to such a contact. I trust that you do not wish to have possible allies and partners in the Underdark as enemies for no reason at all, or to have war brought to your city by yet another foe.

Best regards, Temrariel Etar'yr' House


As there is no precedent for this sort of encounter, you must forgive my initial hesitations in dealing with drow. I shall contemplate on the matter and give you word as to my decision in a week's time.

Chairman Dentra