People of our fair city i know i promised this next one to be full of good news but sadly due to events i am writeing about sad sad news its seems pushed by spell guard agents and paige madiline saint the city councel have declerd what it seems to be a cold war on the people of lower we all new it was going to happen the watch couldent let freedom reign in there rule now they set up defence works tell people that its scum that live in lower bar the people of lower from comeing up or face the hang mans noose but there is a light for lower house montezzi have been talking with thegoverment of upper and have asked what they could do to make things better for upper how did the goverment answer? they sent animatrons into lower with spell guard war banner marks on them killing unarmed people the local montezzi milita tryed there best to protect the people even giveing there lives sadly after they cut them down the animatrons killed the children the weak the slow the sick and the poor then returned to spell guard tower what are we to make of this? are we to stand by and let them kill our friends and family? or we at lest going to stand up and fight this evil in our fair city? i for one will not and support house montezzi in there bid to defend lower. Till next time readers stay safe and stay watchfull -one vision one house- Editor:Stacy Marthen