Posters are put up in the Crone, the Gambling Hall, and the Last Stand.
Beshaba Provides!The Only Constant - To live is to suffer. Any being which draws breath in the Underdark or upon the sun-kissed surface endures the pains of life. Every deity teaches a different method of enduring suffering, from the Black Hand's lessons that all must be subjugated so that the worthy suffer less or Illmater's masochistic yearning to take on the pain of others so that others suffer less. Hardship is not minimized; it is simply redistributed. Horrible things happen to everyone; we cannot control this, but She will aid so long as she is placated.
The Maid of Misfortune, respected and revered, will minimize suffering in all who show her the respect that she commands. She does not shuffle prayer among her followers, but gives them the tools to minimize it in themselves. Offer sincere praise to her and she will gift you the fortune to attain your desires.
A Mother's Arms - A common cultural thread runs through nearly every society. The archetype of the nurturing, protective mother is revered by every child and continues into adulthood. A good mother defends her children from harm, but does not hesitate to discipline her young if they stray.
So is it true with Beshaba. She is the mother of all shrewd men, and will defend those cunning enough to seek her protection. Fortune will be bestowed upon any man in any pursuit that honors Her. The blades of the faithful strike truer, and their minds are sharper against the dangers of our home.
Just as a mother gifts her loyal children, so too are Her wayward wards punished. Those who reject Her love suffer the misfortune of life without Her protection.
When prayers are offered to Beshaba, the fortune of the faithful grows and life in the unforgiving Underdark is made easier. Revere her, and reap the fruits of Her love! Spurn her, and suffer the folly of your foolishness!
Contact the Ace of Diamonds for spiritual guidance.
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