Fliers posted all around the city except Lower:
Senestia Avarscanti is seeking the work of professional writers, bards, and amateurs alike. Specifically sought for an upcoming project are short letters and works of poetry on love, beauty, or passion suitable and appropriate for public display and publication.Love letters and poems written specifically for and to people the author is in love with are especially appreciated, sought, and encouraged.
There are no restrictions in terms of poetic style or form to be considered. though all submissions are subject to be accepted by Senestia Avarscanti. The only limit is that the piece must be shorter than three hundred and seventy characters (including spaces).
Works may be submitted anonymously. Works may be requested to be published anonymously. Editing services are available upon request, both in regards to the quality and size of the piece.
Those who require a little extra motivation may collect a one hundred gold piece price per submission of eligible poetry. If there is a lack of funding to see to the one hundred gold piece price per submission, those who request the one hundred gold piece price will be notified and be offered the choice to retract their submission.
Please send all submissions to Senestia Avarscanti at the Last Stand.
//Send submissions via PM. The character limit is very important. An easy way to count the number of characters is to simply write out the poem in MS Word or any other document processor and run a word count with the "characters with spaces" setting.