I think pure barbarians should be able to rest in wilderness and gain a minor summoning power. An example would be a totem spirit that can cure disease once per day.
Barbarian perk
I don't think Barbarians need anymore bonus's, they are highly awesome as it is. I could be wrong, but other then the constant need for more healing, barbarians are one of the scariest classes out there.
Concur with Ebok, though I wouldn't mind seeing them allowed to rest in the wild without a campfire.
As for the totem spirits, they aren't always applicable to all barbarians. However, I think a pure barbarian who consistently RP'd a link to an animalistic totem spirit might get a nifty piece of custom loot which could summon it.
I don't think Barbarians need anymore bonus's, they are highly awesome as it is.
The suggestion was to not make them more powerful, but simply more independant in the wilderness, as they are supposed to be more comfortable there than other classes. As it is, they need to go buy tinder and a bedroll before they can start being independant in the wilderness.
I actually support the idea that barbarians don't need a bedroll, but do need a campfire.
So -
Druids need nothing to rest in the wild Rangers would need a bedroll, but no fire Barbarians need a fire, but no bedroll Ranger/Barbs need nothing
There's something about the idea I like, but it's low priority I guess.
That's pretty cool.
Curse you and your perfect compromise Howland! However, I do agree, Barbarians are pretty much uber if properly built and carefully played. Though if I could get a custom Keen sword with a permanent Haste enchantment....