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Letter to the Sheriff

Taken to him IG

Glory be, Brother Sheriff:

Your efforts and those of your men keep these walls and all our citizens, and my growing flock safe. It was the Ascended One’s own glorious brother that set up the Watch, and it is you who have stepped into fill such a great responsibility. We commend you for it, brother, and wish you well in all aspects of the defense of the freedoms of Sanctuary we now have. Know up front, that if our walls are in peril that I and those who have the True Faith of the Way will help defend. Sanctuary must stand, a light on a hill, a beacon of faith and truth and freedom in a land of darkness and loss.

Perhaps you have heard of my preaching in the streets, perhaps you have heard my words yourself. Brother Sheriff, I am here to let all people take in the words of The Way and choose a life of faith and strength, or to choose for themselves to stay forever lost in this hellish realm we find ourselves in. I do not know you personally, but perhaps you are like most people within the walls of this city. Perhaps you remember the feel of the warm breeze across your face in the late afternoon, when the light of the sun is warm and golden, spreading it’s wealth out across all the lands. Perhaps you remember what it is like to see the first rays of the sun come up over mountain or hilltop to illuminate the surface world in its full splendor. Perhaps you remember the soft glow of the moon and stars, perhaps you remember the sound of rain on dry ground as the earth drinks it up, and the dusty smell it leaves thick in the air. Perhaps you remember the coolness of the late evening, made comfortable by the warmth left over from the day coming up from the rocks below bare feet. Remembering, brother, that is the seed of faith.

Perhaps you remember these things, and perhaps you do not. Many fear the memories because they fear that in remembering that they will never have a chance to see, to feel, those things again. Perhaps people run from what they love so much because they have seen so much loss in this land of dark they have no inner light to turn to. Glory be, brother sheriff. I am here to call to remembrance all these things for everyone. To bring them to light. To bring them up and make them a strength instead of something to fear. To bring them out instead of something to hide in the darkness of the sad soul. I’m here to plant that seed and let it grow in the warm light of memories, that is can grow to a faith and purpose. That is the Way that I am sent to preach, and in finding your Way, brother, then we can work to finding the True Way, the One Way up. Right now I am called to preach to everyone, and so I must do it. Know that you are always welcome to hear the Word in person, as is everyone.

I know that some people will always disagree. Some love the dark and find themselves too far lost. That is their choice. Not my calling to force them to believe, only to gather those who do and will change. Some people find themselves growing angry at hearing the Word I bring, for many reasons perhaps. Already I have been approached by some of your men in anger, brother. Held back only by a spellguard agent they seemed to want to use the club to stave of remembering what they had lost. Perhaps this was fueled by the wine and ale, I do not know, nor do I judge. I only ask that so long as I cause not any physical harm to anyone, or so long as I am not inciting to violence, that I receive none by your men in return. I’m a stand up man, brother sheriff. I’ll let you know up front if there is something that I will deserve a trial for. Know that I am not inciting to violence, I am only trying to incite to memory. I ask to be able to preach in the Freedom that Sanctuary has stood for without reprisal from your watchmen. I’ll not name them that had these troubles, as perhaps they are troubled deep down by the memories I brought up within them. Know that I do not seek after trouble. Those that want to listen can stop and do so, and those that do not want to can walk on.

Glory be, and thank you for your strength, If you need to speak, you can leave word at the Last Stand. I am here for all.

Brother Hayward Deanes Priest of the Ascension

Preach as you will, Brother Deanes. I wish you the luck of your search.

My men should not disturb you, unless you are causing undue trouble, in which case I suggest you disperse as they tell you to avoid incident, regardless of whether or not you feel they should be telling you to do so. Once dispersed, seek their superior and it shall be sorted out.

Though your vision of the sun is soft, and idealisitic, I hope you find it. The sun is scalding, merciless and unforgiving as the gaze of At'ar. But, it is still worth finding oneself under the ardent stare once more.