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goblin Antics

Well, me, Dylan, and Someone else and a new player to the server was having fun with some goblins...


Well, Orcus is nice, but I still feel like throwing up after playing a goblin who's necrophelia showed itself in odd ways.

We were trying to find out which summon was stronger, I summoned demons, Neethax summoned illusions, and Ty summoned ghosties.


Due to some people, I had to erase the sickest thing I ever typed in EFU. It was worth the DM reprimand. http://img187.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dancingbeartr5.jpg

ORcus and Cyric apparently do not want to get along, the start of the arguement... http://img260.imageshack.us/my.php?image=goblinanticsfa9.jpg

I end it with a boom.


What bear? *Giggle* http://img301.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gigglehp6.jpg

Payback! http://img182.imageshack.us/my.php?image=paybackvy7.jpg


Death to the Non-believers!



Loads of fun playing goblins o orcus!

Goblins of Orcus. All the "lol" moments. They were just plain AWESOME. Nice job Thomas, and Dylan. Too bad I had to log. :(

Despite many efforts, Neethax has been unable to slaughter the Orcusans when he wanted to and no longer needed them.

Oh well. It's still nice that the bear came into the picture alot.