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A Grand Revel!

These large, clearly legible notices are posted in and about the Last Stand, Town Hall, Residence District, and New Dunwarren.

This is an open invitation to the city of Sanctuary to attend the upcoming GRAND REVEL to be held in the Last Stand.

A Grand Revel is a celebration organized and held by the Church and Clergy of Sune intended to allow all people to witness and experience the love, beauty, and passion that Sune has breathed into the world.

Come: bring your friends and family! Enjoy good food and drink! See beautiful works of art! Read about the dogma and philosophy of Sune! Enjoy a comfortable sit in a warm bath! Listen to tales, poems, and songs of bards! Mingle and dance with other revelers!

Dancers, musicians, and bards are especially invited to the Grand Revel to display and share their work with others. Blessings of Sune and possibly gold rewards will be given to the best and most entertaining of performers!

The Grand Revel is scheduled for the evening of Second of Alturiak. Sendings will be made to formally announce its beginning.

//Friday. 16th May. 11:00 PM EST.

New notices are put up with a revised date. An addendum is added to the bottom:

Preparations for the Grand Revel have proceeded at a much faster pace than anticipated! So as not to leave the citizens of Sanctuary in too much suspense, the Grand Revel has been rescheduled for the evening of the second of Altruriak.

More addendum's added to the notices:

The Grand Revel fast approaches this evening! Come and celebrate Love and Beauty, Sanctuary and Life!

A single note on the public notice board in the Last Stand:

I, Senestia Avarscanti, declare that last night's Grand Revel was a success! Thanks to all who attended and congratulations to the numerous story tellers who took part in the story telling contest! The winner of the one thousand gold piece prize will be announced soon! In the mean time, spread word among your friends and families of how enjoyable the Grand Revel was for another one shall most certainly be up and coming!