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Washugao Druid of Action

In a nut shell, this is why druid's just plain kick ass.

He did it for the Lulz

I am in awe ser. What spell is that?


Infestation of maggots 0.o


Amazing! ... Holy ... I thought it had around 1k hp <_< ... It does have a lot that giant bastard of elemental HATE.

*Looks at damage done to elemental blinks and looks again*

Mother of god you sure he's a druid and not a Jedi knight or something?

Oh. My. God.

That is pretty sweet.

Totally making that NPC immune to disease now!

Holy Crap. :shock:

I am speechless.


And lol Ninelives

As of the next update, this spell will no longer work on ice elementals.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

You never cease to blow my mind, Oro. Holy Dogshit.

Is that how you killed Strife?

No, to kill Strife--and don't forget Ix--I summoned venomous spiders from two areas away while running for my life from a worg.

(I'm in a screenshot)

Awesome screeny Oro

By the Nine Hells of Baator and however many layers of the Abyss! That's ridiculous!

Ladys and Gents, we've thussly been intoduced to the one-target nuke of EfU!


This is so incredibly badass. I am in freaking awe of you, Sir Oroborous. For all those naysayers out there who didn't believe when you told them about your combat and PvP exploits, this is proof that you do, in fact, rock faces and places so hard they're left bleeding dead on the pavement.


Not meaning to piss on bonfires, but using an instant death spell, potentially with Spell Focus or Owl's to up the DC is, while very badass, not a proof of engine prowess.

(Oro knows I love him.)

Jasede Not meaning to piss on bonfires, but using an instant death spell, potentially with Spell Focus or Owl's to up the DC is, while very badass, not a proof of engine prowess.

(Oro knows I love him.)

I, on the other hand, respectfully disagree.

I'm with Pup.

This is what happens when Oroborous does not leave one alive for the lulz.

Jasede Not meaning to piss on bonfires, but using an instant death spell, potentially with Spell Focus or Owl's to up the DC is, while very badass, not a proof of engine prowess.

(Oro knows I love him.)

I only posted it cause I think it was funny. Not badass.

Skrillix This is what happens when Oroborous does not leave one alive for the lulz.

Jasede Not meaning to piss on bonfires, but using an instant death spell, potentially with Spell Focus or Owl's to up the DC is, while very badass, not a proof of engine prowess.

(Oro knows I love him.)

From what I've seen of that spell, it's ALWAYS badass.

No need to elaborate on your personal feelings about the player here guys (negative or positive, or trolling). I do not want to have to lock this.

PS, that quest looks sweet.

I don't get it.

How was that much damage dealt?


Constitution damage each round. Until there's no more Constitution to damage.

Combined with the fact that in EFU, we allow stats to reach 0.

Wouldn't it kill you on a regular server, anyways? I don't know how high those stats get. What kind of druid has Spell Focus (Necromancy)?

Spell Focus : Necromancy... because Necromancy is the school that specialize in the creation, manipulation and destruction of life? Probably the closest school to... that ressemble some aspect of modern biology (study of life). Makes a lot of sense for druids to have that spell focus... more than any other in fact.

Stat-loss is capped at 3, normally.

Spell Focus : Necromancy... because Necromancy is the school that specialize in the creation, manipulation and destruction of life? Probably the closest school to... that ressemble some aspect of modern biology (study of life). Makes a lot of sense for druids to have that spell focus... more than any other in fact.

Also, doesn't Necromancy also cover healing spells?

It is supposed to, however for some (bizarre) reason, in NWN (and perhaps in other PNP settings) healing is conjuration. What you are conjuring? Who knows!

thanks for that, odd really, a good job I didn't just rush and take the spell focus :wink:

DeputyCool It is supposed to, however for some (bizarre) reason, in NWN (and perhaps in other PNP settings) healing is conjuration. What you are conjuring? Who knows!

A new arm obviously!

Healing = conjuration = new cells?