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Herbal Clutter

The sheer amount of plants and the intensity of the blue glows they give off in the once-barren UD is getting bothersome, to say the least. Can we find a way to mitigate this?

Get rid of their damage reduction and bash them all :D

FYI... Plant Decay

I'll plant decay with my druid... once I make another one.

Just becuase you support the wilds, doesnt mean you support overgrowth. Plus, destroying overgrowth is a good way to help the next generation of plants.... so... Kill them!

Its easy. Just kill them when you have a forest of blue via tab.

One thing I really feel needs changing is the zhurkwood. There needs to be a small invisible placable at the base of the tree instead of having the entire tree usable. The massive area that it takes up can be a navigational hazard and an eyesore when you hit tab.

Secutor One thing I really feel needs changing is the zhurkwood. There needs to be a small invisible placable at the base of the tree instead of having the entire tree usable. The massive area that it takes up can be a navigational hazard and an eyesore when you hit tab.

Was just about to suggest thing!

In combat and other hectic situations, it makes it rather difficult to target what you want to click on.

Yes!, I was being chased by something the other day and couldn't get past two zhurkwood trees because of their clickable area... very annoying, almost deadly annoying....

People are gonna start hating druids cause they're overplanting the underdark....

Log on a sorcerer and fireball them all.

I actually enjoy seeing an underdark that is full of plants and not as barren and plain as it was before the plants.

However, there should be something that culls plants--giving druids a reason to work to replant them and protect them. Druegar loggers, drow alchemists, hungry hungry rothe. Etc.

The sheer amount of decorative bluecap is getting real annoying yes. I actually have taken to fireballing patches of it in the canal.

My planting efforts have slowed.

However, there is a good IC reason for there being so many zurkhwood trees about now. I'll simply say this: the Underdark in this region was not always so barren.

Is it overplanted now? maybe in parts as there is a physical limit to how many plants can be in an area. However, many areas are still quite barren, even though they can be planted in. Not to mention all the vast expanses where planting is simply disabled.

Firstly, you might wanna get a Dm if you're fireballing in the city. You might hit a stealther. Anyhow, on the topic-

It would reduce clutter dramatically if they could glow on the grown at their base, rather then the whole plant. I'm not sure how easy this would be too accomplish, but I'd enjoy the plants a bit more if they didn't glow so much.

I mean the abandoned gates to the low way with all those, that is my main area of annoyance.

I like all of the plant life, it makes the Underdark seem a bit more believable, in the fact it is a damp, dank cave-like area :wink: However, I agree, if the selectable area could be a tiny bit smaller, it would be helpful when running away from nasties!

Herbal Clutter has been a Chronic problem in many cultures actually, not just in the underdark. There have been many solutions actually, one of which was proposed by a Mary Jane in the early 1940s. It was noted that allowing the Herb to Bud and then clipping them halted expansion of the Weed, and promoted continued Leaf production.

If you need a simple plan, and have limited in game time, you could always choose to Begin Outsourcing to reduce Natures Growth. Then, instead of a Big Fatty of a problem, you could take care of it all in one Hit. Cultivate the plants you want carefully, defend them (but take care so you don't get Skunked or Smoked in PvP), and then kick back and relax.

In time you may realize the in game Herb problem isn't really a problem at all. Just a difference of opinion, man.

lol Beggar.
