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Mechanics Changes

Major Changes:

Characters start at level 2.

Rolling a 1 is not an auto-failure on spells.

Hours are five real-life minutes long, instead of two. Turns remain unmodified at one minute.

Your character may rest only in an inn room (after having paid the innkeep) or out in the wild with a campfire and bedroll. You may rest once every 5 in-game hours.

Being a paladin requires having an appropriate deity in your deity field.

Casting spells as a cleric requires have an appropriate deity and domains.

Casting spells as a druid requires appropriate deity.

Various spell visual effects have been removed/shortened.

Ability stat bonuses from spells and items will not stack.

Rangers get a special tracking ability (accessible through crafting menu).

Paladins get a special Detect Evil ability (accessible through crafting menu).

Stealth is more effective in some areas (such as dark caves) than it is in brightly lit rooms. A PC that is transluscent has been heard only, not spotted (this is default, but bears repeating: although difficult to enforce, we ask that people do not definitively identify characters who have only been "heard").

There are various damage modes (subdual, sparring, and full damage) all accessible through the crafting menu. Familiars/Companions/Summons should be on the damage mode of their master.

Ability Changes:

"Feeding" your animal companion or familiar can only be done once every fifteen minutes, and will heal 1d4 hitpoints.

An animal companion or familiar's master will lose experience and d6 HP when their associate dies, as a result of mental anguish from the close mental bond between the two. The loss of a familiar incurs 100 XP loss; the loss of an animal companion incurs 200 XP loss.

Trickery domain power will give a Bluff bonus rather than a Persuade bonus.

Death Domain shadow avatar will not appear before level four. The avatars have also been modified to be appropriate for each particular deity.

Turn Undead has been modified to allow for commanding as well as destroying. Specifically,

    Clerics with an evil alignment will command the undead. Clerics with the Good domain will command good-aligned outsiders. Clerics with the Evil domain will command evil-aligned outsiders. Clerics with the Fire domain will command Fire Elementals (likewise for the Earth, Air, and Water domains).
Skill Changes:

Pickpocket has been disabled for use against NPCs and PCs. You can still use it for scripted pickpocket rolls (such as in in a scripted quest) or in a DM situation (such as stealing a key from a NPC).

Use Magic Device requires a DC Check of 15 + spell level to successfully use a wand. If you do not succeed in your check, a charge is not expended. Some DM-only loot may not work this way.

Scroll use with UMD requires a check of 25 + spell level of scroll, scroll is not lost if you fail.

Craft Weapons - Bioware crafting is not supported.

Craft Weapons - Bioware crafting is not supported.

Craft Traps - Bioware crafting is not supported. However, Craft traps has been reassigned as Engineering/Tech Knowledge. Consider this skill to be like lore for technology. It is used with siege weapons and svirf tech for example. There are a number of places this is already used in the game.

Spell Changes:

Arcane All cantrips are 1d4 + 1 in damage.

Charm person has a duration increase, the duration is 1round/level.

Blindness/Deafness has a duration of 2 rounds/level, and will not affect constructs, undead, or oozes.

Clairvoyance/Clairaudience grants +15 spot/listen, 2rounds/level.

Negative Energy Burst's will save negates the STR drain in addition to halving the damage.

Greater Magic Weapon: +2 at level 5, +1/5 levels after (so +3 at 10, +4 at 15, etc) duration is turn/level.

Ray of Enfeeblement lasts for turns/level.

Resist Elements last for 24 hours.

Keen Edge: duration is turn/level

War Cry: bonus is added to allies

Find Traps: No longer disarms traps, merely identifies them

Mind Fog: Duration is increased to round/level

Shelgarn's Persistent blade: Duration is decreased to round/level

Shield: Blocks Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm and Isaac's Greater Missile Storm.

Mage Armor: +4 Armor AC.

Flame Weapon/Darkfire: 1d2 fire damage, +1/4caster levels, visual effect has been removed, duration is turns/level

Charm Animal: duration is round/level

Energy Buffer: hour/level duration

True Seeing: no longer automatically sees stealthed opponents. The effects that this spell grant are See Invisibility and immunity to illusions (which includes color spray, phantasmal killer, and so on).

Polymorph Self: Additional forms can be accessed through Crafting Menu, Bioware forms have been adjusted (reduced regeneration on troll form, umber hulk form has +10 spot instead of True Seeing)

Isaac's Greater Missile Storm: 1d6/level capped at 20

Stoneskin/Greater Stoneskin. Duration is turn/level. Greater Stoneskin has damage reduction of 15/+5

Mind Blank duration is hour/level

Incendiary Cloud has damage of 10d6 fire damage

Premonition has damage reduction of 20/+5, duration remains at hour/level.

Blackstaff duration is turn/level

Dominate Monster duration is turn/level

Summons changed to 3 rounds/level, minimum six rounds. Default summons reflect an underdark type of theme. A number of additional themes are available through reagents, items, and other means in game.

Lesser Dispel Magic/Dispel Magic/Greater Dispel Magic are updated to allow the maximum caster level to be improved through spell focus and greater spell focus abjuration.

Lesser Spell Breach/Greater Spell Breach are updated to increase the number of effect dispelled by one if the caster has Spell Focus Abjuration, by an additional one if the caster also has Greater Spell Focus Abjuration, and recuced by one of the target has Arcane Defense Abjuration.

Hold Person was updated to use mind spell saves.

Hold Monster was updated to use mind spell saves.

Hold Animal was updated to use mind spell saves.

Phantasmal Killer was updated to take fear protecting spells and abilities into account.

Invisibility Sphere is now the same as casting Invisibility on everybody within two meters, except lasting for only one round/level.

Divine Magic Vestment is +1 at levels 1-6, +2 at levels 7-12, +3 for levels 13+. It will also only work on armor; not on shields.

Freedom: grants immunity petrification

Battletide: bonuses to allies

Harm: 10 negative damage/caster level, capped at 150; will save halves damage, can be fatal

Word of Faith: Will save is involved, duration of blindness turn/level

Earthquake: On failed reflex save, the victim is KDed for 1d4 rounds

Sunbeam blindness duration is increased to round/level

Drown: magical damage

Continual flame will mark items as plot to prevent exploits.

Call Lightning changed to call down boulders, doing bludgeoning damage. This will damage neutral NPCs and party members.

Raise Dead - The raise dead spell now requires a small diamond as a component, and has a high % chance of spell failure based on a number of factors including alignments, and how faithful a priest the caster is.

Magic Fang and Greater Magic Fang, when used by clerics with the Reptilian domain, will affect summoned creatures.

Stone Bones changed to give a bonus of 2 AC, boosted by +1 AC per two caster levels.

Magic Circle vs Evil is now the same as casting Protection from Evil on everybody within three meters.

Magic Circle vs Good is now the same as casting Protection from Good on everybody within three meters.

Animate Dead currently summons a zombie with half of the HD of its caster.


Death has serious consequences.

Respawning removes 1/3 total experience.

Raise Dead removes 1/6 total experience.

Resurrection removes 1/9 total experience.


Caltrops will not stack when dropped on top of each other.

AC from Bracers will not work if your character is wearing any form of armor beyond clothing.

Class Changes


10% movement speed increase feat disabled if in heavy armor.

Barbarian Damage Reduction, disabled in heavy armor. Level 5 10% damage reduction level 7 20% damage reduction

Level 8 20% movement speed bonus that's lost with heavy armor.

Charisma bonus is applied to strength/con while raging. (Example a fourteen charisma barbarian would get +2 strength and +2 con in addition to the base +4str/+4con. His rage would be +6 str/+6 con.) Negative charisma will also reduce rage bonuses using this same formula.

Level 1 rage is capped at +4/+4 (Total) Level 4 rage is capped at +8/+8 Level 8 rage uncapped

Rangers and Druids

Ranger tracking has been improved (this may need tweaking) Druids now receive tracking at level 6

10% movement speed increase if the PC has 3 druid/ranger levels, and is in a wilderness area 15% movement speed increase if the PC has 6 druid/ranger levels, and is in a wilderness area 20% movement speed increase if the PC has 9 druid/ranger levels, and is in a wilderness area

Rangers receive an AB bonus vs. their favored enemies. This AB bonus is equal to ranger level/2, rounded down.

Rangers receive a +4 spot/listen/search bonus if they have 5 ranger levels and are in a wilderness area.

In the interests of making a better server, the DM team has changed the standard bioware implementation of a number of prestige classes in order to make them more appropriate for EfU. The following mechanical changes have been made:

Arcane Archer: Now have the "Elf domain" special power, minimum 3 round duration

Assassin: No changes made

Blackguard: Level 1: Detect good

Champion of Torm: No changes made

Dwarven Defender: Now have the "Dwarf domain" special power, minimum 3 round duration

Harper Scout: This pretige quest will eventually be completely modified and re-worked as "Prime Underdark Guide." Stay tuned for the exact changes that will be implemented.

Palemaster Level 1: Arcane Defense: Necromancy (+2 saves vs. necromancy spells) Level 2: +1 STR Level 3: +2 con flat bonus, 50% negative energy damage immunity, 50% positive energy vulnerability Level 4: STR bonus changed to +2, for the Summon Undead the palemaster can pick one of three undead types: an incorporeal spirit, a mummy, or a stitched horror (all three monster-types are custom for EfU). Level 5: Immunity negative energy 75%, Immunity Level Drain, +4 saves vs. death, 75% positive energy vulnerability Level 6: Con bonus changed to +4

Palemasters may also be able to find special undead grafts to give them additional abilities.

Dragon Disciple: No changes made

Shadowdancer: No changes made

Shifter: Shifters in EfU have a totally custom shift system, that lets them (theoretically) shift into virtually any monster found in the game-world

Weapon Master: Level 1: 10% Speed Increase, Improved Initiative feat Level 2: +4 concentration, discipline bonus, bonus feat: cleave Level 3: +1 fort/will, Evasion Level 4: Feat: Blinding Speed

If you notice anything listed here is not actually the way it is in game, please make a bug report post in the bug reports forum

Updated summons and added raise dead.