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The Fall of a Faenor

So...Faenor Breena Watchever, Elder of Clan Mithrilsoul, Envoy to the Khazlun Holdfast, Administrator of the Sanctuary Shelter is no more.

Breena was sent by her clan to train as a Valkyrie of Berronar in the Great Rift, but early in her training her cadre was captured by duergar on a training mission. She slipped down a crevice fleeing from the slavers, and was left for dead.

She found her way to Sanctuary 60 years ago, and has been living as a tailor, seamstress, and a simple healer of herbs behind the Watch House in the residential district. Then she received her calling as faenor and made contact with the local dwarf clan, though it pained her to do so.

She joined the Stoutheart Clan, and tried to bring it back to life. Numbers were up, and the clan started to thrive. But she experienced some serious conflict with Dakul Ironbeard, and decided to form a dwarven company called the Mithrilsouls.

They moved to the old Cave Worm barbarian cave in an attempt to foster trade with the Khazlun Holdfast, and eventually decided to become a clan.

She has interacted with nearly every dwarf she met on the server, and most of the good aligned figures on the server including many councilors.

I'm proud to have brought some dwarven flava to the server, and am pretty sure the vast majority of players who didn't already know what a faenor is - does now.

Breena Watchever (MotherKnowsBest)

This character was created on Sunday, November 11th at 09:27:26 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 234 times. The character has spent 15 days, 23 hours, 33 minutes, and 1 second online.


Breena grieving for the atrocities that are commonplace in the Underdark.

She found some Seeker chain, and after trying it on, of course she gave it to the Seekers!


Why William, are you trying to get me drunk? I'm a dwarf, silly!

Cleaning up the Hall

One of her 25 swearing in rituals:

Loyal to the End

A soul saved.

And, her endlude. My first, and greatly appreciated. Thanks Deputy and DM team.

Finally, some decent dwarven armor...Suck it Anvilkine!

Goodbye Sanctuary! I finally escaped, and couldn't be happier!

Thanks to the many, many dozens of characters that helped me to develop Breena and help her get to Dwarven Nirvana. :)

Underbard and Talimus Karn, my main homies as original Mithrilsouls. Breena secretly wanted to marry Hogan, but it wasn't the right time yet. :( Gigantic Dwarf was instrumental too, and driving force of awesome in the faction. My good friend bobpah has come, gone, and come back again. Prof Death and bigx2 have been around from the start, but in different time zones. All the new players have been great to bring in fresh blood, like RIPnogar, dshadowkat and Berosion. efuincarnate's Darragh once tried to start a fight with Breena due to Dakul Ironbeard's lies, but he ended up converting to the Morndinsamman and dying to spend eternity with her. All the other great players of Mithrilsouls - thanks for playing with me.

There were 15 active Mithrilsouls at the time of Breena's death, and 10 others had died, retired, or been abandoned by their players. Breena swore every one of them into the Clan in a significant ritual that involved three oaths - kin, clan and creed.

Scotty has been great and very patient with my constant requests for inane shit and ridiculous makeover requests of the Shelter and Dunendar Hall. He's allowed us to create an awesome backdrop for dwarven RP, and I hope it survives and continues to enrich the server. Sherry, Howland, and recently Deputy have been very helpful, and I've pestered almost every DM with other silly questions repeatedly as well.

Breena worked with many Councilors to get her Shelter going, which she regrets in the afterlife that it never went anywhere. Fizzwiggle, Sunnellar, Donrick, Merrickson, Crowshire, Cheval all were cultivated as allies and became friends in a way. Especially Donrick!. Myria = Seeker Dawn (loved her), William Snyder her "patient" and good friend provided phenomenal RP for Breena, Cruzel's fun and awesomely snearky evil cleric (what's his name again?) and many others were unlikely friends of hers.

I'm going to seriously miss playing her. I really tried to make her vibrant, memorable, interesting and impactful to the server, and had a great time trying.

But....all good things must come to an end, and this was a good end, as watching her clan destroyed would have literally broken her heart.

Thanks again everyone!

All we ever seek, is a good end, and you definetly gave Darragh that. And talk about Character arc...from Tempurian barbarian, lost to his kin, to redeemed axe(well, flail, but semantics..pffff) of the Bloodmaiden. To die avengeing his Faenor and saviour, who could ask for more? I had not played a dwarf in almost a year, and you and all you did with the clan made me very happy I decided to give it a whirl again...see you in your next incarnation! One of the best "goodguys" to come along in quite some time, imo..beautifully flawed and well played.

I got mentioned, yay! <3

I had a good time around Breena, in all my various incarnations over the months.

Breena was a great iconic figure. Salutes and kudos!

A character RP'd consistently to a high degree, who left a memorable impact on the module. Nicely done!

It was vincent, Gwydion.

And had he survived, He would've continued his evil scheme to make you Lose your divine powers.

Cause he was evil.


Good times, Gwydion. Breena's influence will be missed.

Great PC!

Breena was around before I even started playing, I think. Definitely one of the characters I saw/heard more about than most others since I started playing EfU. Even cooler because she really seemed like a "Good" character, not just about going around slaying evil, but also about helping people and being genuinely nice. Sad to see her go, but at the same time, I'm looking forward to seeing your next character, Gwydion.

An amazing character, as always Gwydion, it was always fun to log on with Donrick and invite you over for dinner and wine. Working for the better of Sanctuary together, without the usual violence and bloodshed. She'll definately be missed!

Had alot of good times, thanks. Can't wait to see the next character you create.

I will miss Breena, Allivarn sorta tolerated her- he really didn't like paladins.

As usual, I am at a loss for words, so I'll just say Breena will be missed.

I can't belive she is dead, Snorri had a lot of respect for her and i was kind of tied up with other things at the time so i wish i could have interacted more with her have a good one mate.

Awesome dwarf Gwydion, look forward to seeing what you roll up next.

Breena was great, good RP all around, also she was a great example of how Lawful Good doesn't mean Lawful dumb....

I had interactions with her with two PC's, both enjoyed it thoroughly.

I didn't directly RP with Breena, but just the idea of her being a part of the Server, and the continuing story of EFU was fantastic. She was a really respected, well thought of character that did so very much. Well done, indeed! :)

Breena was a force of good that Drin could always count on when he needed to rally support for his various causes.

My other characters also bumped into her a few times and the interaction was always pleasant, even with my rhyming monk.

Long lived characters always take some to decompress from. Take a breather and come back with a new character to raise some hell with.

Great work!

I really liked Breena, even though she had my halfing beaten and thrown out of the Mithralsoul cave :D . Heh, it was a lot of fun though. Wish I could have interacted with her more.

Great PC all around, I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Way to go Gwydion!

Good stuff. :)

A bit late, but still -


The one thing that kept me from not trashing Lagmar was your incessant and much appreciated ways to introduce me to the clan and give that Dwarf and his Orth a fitting welcome to a wonderful clan. Kudos on creating the best(and only) Dwarven clan that I have had the pleasure to be a part of.

Two things sadden me:

1) That my favorite Faenor has perished.

2) That due to my not being able to find my NWN install discs for the last two weeks, I couldn't be back in the game to have Ronus meet his end with her.

Breena was one of the most stalwart and good characters I've had the pleasure of roleplaying with. When Ronus' reaction was to hurt something, Breena's reaction was to soothe him, and find words to solve the ordeal. She's a character that I'll never forget, despite being a figment of my imagination. She's just like a character from a novel; she's flawed, has her goals, has an attachment to something(her people).

She won't soon be forgotten, especially amongst the clan.

Now..off to continue to search for my discs. I miss the game, and life has finally lifted some of the pressure. See you in game soon, hopefully. I know you've missed me. ;)

Ariasa! :D

Sentinel Istalindar, imo.


Come back, You rock.

Find those discs!