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Letter left at the Spellguard tower

I'm very concerned about the conduct of one of your Agents- Jacob Noble. A few darks ago I passed into lower in an ultimately failed attempt to prevent the Montezzi from burning an innocent woman alive. When I arrived Jacob Noble was reciting poetry for the Montezzi as the woman burned. Such actions not only fill me with disgust, but also reflect extremely poorly upon the Spellguard's already tarnished reputation. I hope something can be done about this.

-Luther Hornraven

Luther Hornraven,

Luther, you raise an interesting point: is morality in our world based on intentions or on consequences? If it is intentions then you did a moral thing by standing there and voicing disapproval of the innocent being sacrificed, despite not lifting a finger to help her; because your intentions were good. If it is consequences, and not preventing an innocent from being harmed is immoral (this is a stretch), then we are both to blame because we did not save her even though we could. You could have leaped into the flames, lifted her onto your shoulder, and spirited her out of Lower, and I could have doused the fire with some kind of spell. But neither of us did that.

What I have not done is accuse you of failing in your duties as a paladin, as you have done with me. From what I knew of another Tormish gent, he would have leaped into the blaze without hesitation to save the burning woman because a paladin never stands by while an innocent suffers. Sure, the Montezzis would have burned two more to spite whoever did that, and the do-gooder would be in a worse position to save innocents in Lower afterwards, which would lead to more suffering in the long term; but that is practicality speaking, not morality. Either we both have done something immoral, or neither of us have done something immoral, or morality is based on intentions, and you can be a perfectly good person by doing nothing but wishing the world were a better place without doing anything to make it that way. I think it is either the first or the second; you tell me if it's the third.

Jacob Noble

You conveniently ignore the fact you were READING POETRY to Montezzi as the woman burned. I admit my attempt at rousing the crowd failed, yet in my eyes what you did was condone the act. The fact that you would honor a man who would have innocents burned alive at his funeral fills me with disgust. I stand by the fact that what you did was far out of line for a member of an order supposedly pledged to defending the men and women of this city.

Luther Hornraven