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What is the Council doing?

What is the council doing?

Much as it dismays me to ask this question, I feel by now that I must do so, since the council's silence is raising questions of uncomfortable kind.

Allow me to state facts: * The Montezzi have nearly wiped out all the Seekers of Lower, and killed most of the cultists of the Ascension. * A goblin ally of Clan Montezzi has most likely been responsible for the death of one Councillor, has been responsible for an attack on Clan Mithrilsoul, and probably other various crimes. * The Montezzi have killed all the followers of Hoar, who were the only people bringing some semblance of order to Lower. * The Montezzi have attempted to sell stolen gear on the streets of Upper, witnessed by several men and women. * The Montezzi have slain numerous men and women of New Dunwarren - some of them without provocation. * The Montezzi have captured Paladins of New Dunwarren and stolen their gear * The Montezzi have instigated fighting with several citizens of Upper, while these have been passing through Lower or elsewhere. * The Montezzi threaten all those who do not kneel before them with death - and threaten, in fact, to march into Sanctuary to bring death and destruction to any who would not do so; with or without the blessing of the Council.

And what has the city of Sanctuary done to respond to all this?

* They have given the Montezzi legitimacy by negotiating with them. * The Spellguard have traded with the Montezzi. * The Council has been embarrassingly silent on the issue of the Montezzi deeds, not even rising to denounce any of them - in fact, even saying that the Montezzi should be free to do as they wish!

I say, it is time for us, the citizens of Upper, to demand that the Council at least act on the threats and rheoric of Montezzi and his lust for power.

We, the people, on whom the Council's mandate rests, must demand that they explain their stance and break their silence!

We must demand to know what they plan to do with the Montezzi - an alliance or war?