I wanted to celebrate my 300th forum post with a sampling of some fun screenies that I've never posted. Most of these are from characters that never died, but likely won't be played much again. Enjoy!
I love exploring the server. Some areas are just impressive.
This one is actually the background on my laptop.
For some time we worked hard to breathe new life into...
Team Archibald!
My character, Chaplain Otto Mortissen, was good fun. On this dark a bandit released a bunch of rogue animatrons into the city. A Forge animatron made it all the way to the Tower despite the efforts of a few citizens...
Otto doing what he should have done more of....having friendly chats.
My original character Calor--elven archer--was a blast. Remember the Ruined Stairs? :D
I had a lot of fun questing with various groups including
and this group <3 Even if Presea blew me to smithereens!
EfU Loot:
Calor was/is a member of a few elven factions including, the Warband:
and the Sentinels:
but he wasn't cool enough to get into this group. The gathering of people for the original assault on S'saltesh:
"Escape attempts" with Elrindra and Imrik holding his awesome bow.
Who says you need a DM for an escape quest? (Although Sorrell's body language says alot.)
Is this the end of our heroes?
But I must say that Kargath (Vlaid) truly summed up adventuring:
Looking forward to more screentastic moments EfU!