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Sergeant Von Asch

Sergeant~ When we last spoke ye indicated that ye'd be interested in more potions. Normally I wouldna haggle nor ask fer coin in advanced, and I find meself a wee bit embarrassed to do so. However, in these troubled times I find meself short o' coin in tryin to keep me clan healed proper.

I also find meself embarrassed to admit that our previous dealin's were not as they should ha' been. Ye were over-charged fer some potions and under-charged fer others. I have sat down and come up with some fair prices per brew that I've listed at the bottom o' this missive. I hope ye will fergive our previous uneven dealin's as they were not intentional.

If ye still be interested, leave word at The Stand when we can meet.

Mother's Blessin's to ye~

Faenor Moignar Nufgen

Mother's Aid - 155 Mother's Favor - 50 Mother's Blessing - 50