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House Montezzi

[these are mostly found in lower but a few slink their way into upper and the canals]

You say I am wrong, but not how. While it may be true that you yourself have not been involved in the atrocities of your compatriots, your assistance to their cause lends them and their bloody reign more strength and legitimacy.

If I am wrong, then why are the bodies of those who would speak against Montezzi on display on pikes? He has murdered old women and children, has devilspawn in his employ alongside goblins and duergar, and you say he is innocent?

Your own ruler legitimizes these deeds by saying they are necessary. You claim that they have never occurred. You speak with two tongues who both lie.

As for the part of "hiding" - when the time comes, then I too shall be in the lines of battle. But I will not be struck down by Montezzi assassins before my time is come. Call it cowardice, if you will - I call it cunning!


-No one- is "innocent". And -no one- who has lived on this plane of reality has not once spoke a lie.

Do not call men liars and guilty as if you are not. How can you tell if a man is trust worthy? He admits to his own crimes. Unlike this "unsigned" who hides in the shadows. We do not know if he can handle his own evils and problems, so why should we take his word for it? He writes what many of you are thinking but that is just it, words with little meaning and little backing! He can point out all the corpses he wants and write what he thinks we all "know" but they are there for you to see regardless of papers in the wind. Any one can write or speak the obvious

Truly, "unsigned", show us something we do not all know already! Other wise you should shut your mouth and stop wasting ink and paper.

And as for your call to arms I ask you again to take a good look at those bodies. Lower has lost enough life as is do to rebellion and "just causes". It is time Lower take care of itself. It is time Lower was with out mindless violence. Time Lower became a great place. It is time Lower handled it's own problems and make a better tomorrow.

Signed, Klenner

It is a poor argument to kill a man and then refuse the right of retribution to the dead's peers on the belief there has been enough bloodshed.

Most men in Sanctuary have been at one time killers or liars, and likely still are one or both. It becomes difficult to declare a man has no right to claim anything on another when all men are guilty of these sins. Thus if all men are guilty of these sins, they become unimportant as a point of defaming someone. Even if they do not leave their signature.

Instead, look at their words. Do they carry any meaning? Are the people of all of Sanctuary completely ignorant of what is going on and know nothing? I do not think they do. I think these words carry meaning to the right people.

If I were a man whom many considered to be a murderer and a tyrant, I might consider carefully how I stepped, and just as carefully how I let myself or my men speak. For while the most obvious and courageous opponents may lie dead, there will be those who were far more cunning and patient who lay in the shadows waiting for the moment to strike.

And just as our original author. I too will not sign, to make a point.

You say there are none who are innocent. With that attitude, it is clear why the Montezzi thugs view children and old women viable targets for slaughter and retribution! There is difference between speaking a lie, and being a liar; between killing, and being a murderer; between taking an item and being a thief.

The trustworthy man commits no crimes; only acts as he must to defend the innocent that the Montezzi reject, and to defend and champion others so that other than he may live free and well.

What the Montezzi do is merely tirade unorganizedly; as without structure in their written thought as they must be in their hidden thought. They flail angrily at all who speak against them, their words and retributions spilling forth as undiscriminately and uncontrolledly as a blazing forestfire.

You say it is time for Lower to be without mindless violence. I say it is time for Lower to be without the carefully planned and schemed violence, for it has had it's fair share of both. The exception being now that when a person is killed, it is to shut up another voice for freedom; another attempt at living without the oppression of an evil master!

It is true that it is time for Lower to be without any violence, however - and for this to be true, the violence-causers must go. And those men are the Montezzis.

Let none of this Montezzi propaganda go unanswered! Let no Montezzi be tolerated to walk Upper! Let none do business with these, lest he be accused of joining forces with the evildoers! Let none support their claim to dominance, for this claim will not extend to Lower only, but to all of Sanctuary!

Death to their blackguard leader!
