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Montezzi "Wizardess"

I, am Elizabeth Ravenlock, the so called "Wizardess" of House Montezzi. I am being accused of murder of Upper citizens, yet I ask you, where is the blood, where are the corpses and where is the proof?

This man, who so eagerly spreads accusations, makes show of his ignorance and foolishness simply in his idea of myself. I am no wizard, nor an arcanist.

I know many people of Upper, and many of Lower as well. They all know me, and they do not know me as the murdering beast this raving lunatic sees within his own fantacies. For it is clearly from there he draws his theories, as he has seen nothing of the true intentions of those he slander.


And what then of the Goblin who you call comrade by serving under him? What then of your dwarf hireling? What of the orcs who you serve next to? Or the tiefling? Or any of the other critters or murderers in Montezzis employ?

It may be true that you have not yourself taken the life of an Upper, but you serve amongst those who have. If you are innocent, then leave the company of the guilty!

The Unsigner

The proof? The proof is in the staked corpses of the murdered that fester outside your very doorstep. The proof is the blood of those who will not bow to your master. You may not have had a direct hand in the killings, but you willingly serve the man who did. Look not to mislead those to support your tyrant. For a tyrant is what he is.

Luther Hornraven

*scribbled beneath it also*

Lets not forget ya montezzi actually did kill me once, but fate's apparently got another spar with yer little clan lined up, as I am still trottin' about.

*a crude little drawing of a female smirking face is scrawled where the signature would be*

[these scratchings make it onto the posters] -Kill me once shame on you, kill me twice shame on me-

Harassing a noble lady of Montezzi is a serious offence, consider your words gentlemen.