2008-05-02 07:30:26 UTC
You should likely note that the Hoarans and Martel Rorst were not displayed for long outside of the fortress. A Hoaran took them down and buried them within a day of the display. He was accosted by two Montezzi thugs, and he killed them both after burying his friends and the paladin of Tyr. The bodies remain undisturbed, since the thugs were unable to return the information to their masters.
-An interested party.
2008-05-02 07:44:56 UTC
[A note is tucked away at the Last stand for, "An Interested Party"]
One should also note that these are the first bodies I noted outside the Montezzi fortress and were outside this fortress for more than several days. Their stories are of importance to the people of Sanctuary, no matter how long their stay in defilement.
Speaker Arnen