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To Tigereyes and Watch: Report Pending

As you are well aware, the some members of the Council are currently requiring a plan of action in the event of another attack against the city along the lines of the recent drow excursion. The city proved, woefully underprepared without a clear line of defense and response planned.

The Spellguard is working out a plan as requested by certain Councilors. To fascilitate this work, we require information on the Tigereye mercenary band from yourselves. The information you give us will be essential in constructing this plan, and several members of the Council have made it clear that funding allotments in the next budget will be determined in conjunction with the information obtained for this report: it is important to give a full measure of your capabilities and plans.

Please construct answers to the following questions:

Current number of fighting bodies: Number of these capable of magical combat: Number of these capable of running seige engines: Number of these skilled as combat medics:

Current preparedness of stronghold to withstand attack: Current preparedness of stronghold to shelter civilians:

What if any major expenditures will you require to bring your stronghold to a suitable level of defensive strength:

What if any major expenditures will you require to bring your stronghold to a suitable level to shelter civilians in your ward:

Current stockpile of extra weaponry to bolster your ranks:

Number of ad hoc personel to be brought to bolster your ranks:

In the event of a major excursion, such as the drow attack, what are your recommendations to defend your ward:

In the event of a major surprise assault against your fortress, what are your recommendations and plans to withstand:

Are there other concerns that your organization is facing that the Council must be made aware of currently:

The information asked for here is to be sent to the Spellguard for comoilation, by order all information and answers will be presented fully to the Council body when requested to aid in the allocation of budgetary funds.

Agent Hectra of the Spellguard will compile this report, full drafts will be returned to all concerned agencies prior to any final draft being published for the Council. Any concerns may be addressed to this Agent.

A reply is sent to the Spellguard.

Current number of fighting bodies: 64 (~184) Number of these capable of magical combat: 0 Number of these capable of running seige engines: ~42 (~80) Number of these skilled as combat medics: ~46 (~124)

The Watch has sixty four active members and can draw upon reserves of roughly a hundred and twenty men. Under dire circumstances, civilian conscription could bolster our ranks as well, but this is considered a measure of last resort. Our guards are generally trained in the use of siege equipment and basic healing bandages. We have no spellcasters in our ranks.

Current preparedness of stronghold to withstand attack: Limited Current preparedness of stronghold to shelter civilians: Considerable

The Watch House needs substantial retrofitting before it will be capable of withstanding any type of sustained attack from the outside. It has been designed specifically for the purpose of jailing criminals, housing members of the Watch, and storing archives. It was never designed to, by itself, withstand direct attack -- this is why the majority of our defensive infrastructure is set up at the Sanctuary Gate.

Should circumstances warrant, we could shelter civilians alongside the Watchmen in the Watch House. We have stockpiles of dried food, salted meat, and barrels of water that could last for a considerable period of time. Setting up such temporary housing and shelter would significantly impair our ability to operate as a jail effectively, which relies on citizens having only restricted access to the cells and archives areas.

What if any major expenditures will you require to bring your stronghold to a suitable level of defensive strength:

Please define "suitable." We will require a substantial increase in funding (+12%) to construct the necessary interior checkpoints, reinforced walls, and siege-proof fortifications required for the Watch House to, on its own, resist a direct coordinated assault, while at the same time operating as an effective jail and housing the majority of the Watch.

What if any major expenditures will you require to bring your stronghold to a suitable level to shelter civilians in your ward:

Please definte "suitable." Should it be deemed necessary that the Watch House be used to shelter civilians, it would be extremely helpful to have a separate civilian barracks constructed. This would require an increase in our budget to construct and mantain. (around +8%, depending on size and quality)

Current stockpile of extra weaponry to bolster your ranks:

The Watch House has stored siege equipment and weaponry and uniforms to arm a fraction of our reserves, should need arise. I can have Sergeant Fezlkirn survey our armory and report precise figures if they are needed.

Number of ad hoc personel to be brought to bolster your ranks: ~120

The Watch may draw on civilian reserves which number approximately a hundred and twenty men. Should it be necessary, additional civilians can be conscripted into service, but this is discouraged.

In the event of a major excursion, such as the drow attack, what are your recommendations to defend your ward:

It would be highly dependent upon the specifics of the incident. We prepare defense plans prior to, during, and after possible incidents. Should a drow force of considerable size breach Upper Sanctuary, we would request that the town be put in a state of martial law and citizens be confined to their homes or other secured buildings, while we engage in direct street combat against the enemy.

In the event of a major surprise assault against your fortress, what are your recommendations and plans to withstand:

The Watch House is not designed, by itself, to weather a direct sustained attack. Our plans would be highly dependent upon the specifics of the incident.

Are there other concerns that your organization is facing that the Council must be made aware of currently:

Our organization is concerned that resistance to our presence in Lower Sanctuary is being actively encouraged and supported by the Tigereye Mercenary Company, in violation of the terms of their contract with the Council to maintain order in that district.

Lieutenant Greer Sanctuary Watch

*Hectra receives the letter and begins compiling a report for the Council on Upper Sanctuary's needs and status.*

*The letter is resent to the Tigereyes with the following note* If the Tigereyes require assistance counting personell and/or going over equipment in stock, the Spellguard would be more than pleased to send a representative over to assist with the matter. Otherwise, a reply would be appreciated post haste.

*signed* Agent Delgado


The Tigereye Mercenary Company is under no obligation to provide this information to the Spellguard, and are indeed independently keeping the Council and office of the Mayor well appraised of our fighting capabilities as per the terms of our contract. However, for your information I can provide the following information:

We have less than one hundred members in total, all of whom are prepared to fight.

Less than five of us have some minor experience with magical combat.

At least fifty of us have been specially trained and are well familiar with siege weaponry.

We have fifteen skilled mercenaries with experience in combat medicine.

Our stronghold is not adequately prepared to face determined attack, nor is it designed to be.

The stronghold is completely unprepared to shelter civilians.

Substantial investment would be required to improve the defensive capabilities of the stronghold.

We've a large supply of basic weapons for our members.

We've not real forces beyond the Company who have been trained to assist in a siege, other than unaffiliated or semi-affiliated adventurers.

In the event of a major assault, we will die on the gate every last man -- as per the terms of our contract.

Any further concerns would be brought directly to the Council, and not to you.

Lt. Samson Tigereye Mercenary Company