Feelings the taint of the over-populated pompous Good, MexicanGunslinger checks his mail to see he has received the game finally.
The age of good is about to end!
Feelings the taint of the over-populated pompous Good, MexicanGunslinger checks his mail to see he has received the game finally.
The age of good is about to end!
Age of good? Corruption is rampant, the numbers of good few :(
I think this is akin to LTS's "Grand Theft Auto 4" post.
its not akin to anything you foolish mut.
Bane shall proceed against the petty corruption and se
MexicanGunslinger its not akin to anything you foolish mut.Bane shall proceed against the petty corruption and se
When you put it like that, then it makes sense.
arigato pendaco
Go away, MGS. You're a waste.
halfbrood aka dm balllicker
I think there should be a rule against making "i am back" threads because MGS keeps lying and not coming back and playing with my feelings...