Sorry guys.
EfU is getting to the point again where it's deeply unhealthy for me to go on playing when I've got so many other responsibilities. I'm in the final stretch of my Senior Year of High School, and am in serious danger of failing a required course and not graduating.
EfU is genuinely the very worst possible use of my time right now. There is genuinely no doubt in my mind that addiction to NWN is as harmful to the life and mind of its players as any other drug, and I can't keep it up anymore. Life is seriously taking a turn for the shits, for me. While some of you are probably scoffing and think I don't have it bad at all; well, you're right. Turns out I'm a wuss and don't know the meaning of hard work. Comes from having done absolutely nothing but play NWN for 5 years. And Starcraft for three years before that. Obsessively.
What the whole thing is basically adding up to is me hating myself, hating all my prospects for the future, hating the very prospect of doing anything at all other than sitting around watching the TV, or playing EfU.
So I'll be quitting EfU starting immediately until I am secure in my graduation from High School (about a month). I'll return then, play for part of the summer, until I finish my last character, and then the chances are good that I'll be leaving permanently, to move on with my life. Hay guyz.
Thefirstpost I'll return then, play for part of the summer, until I finish my last character, and then the chances are good that I'll be leaving permanently, to move on with my life.
Love you guys a lot. But it's about time I move on. I'm happy to report that I am vastly better off than I was when I made the original post in this thread.
I'm leaving again, now. There is no bitterness, no malice, no bad feelings whatsoever. In fact, I feel as good as I have in some time, and even a bit happy at it being over.
For the sake of keeping to this sort of a commitment, I probably won't be around IRC much at all, except to drop in and say hey.
I'm starting college in August. It probably won't be too busy to preclude playing, but I know for a fact, and the evidence has shown me, every time, that my life is better by -so much- when I don't, I may have to keep myself away.
Have a good time, guys.
[Edit: Changed post to match current events more. Original Text tiny-ized for irrelevance.]